Chapter 37

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24th June 2250

My steps patted on the ground, not bothering to hide my position. My shoulders rose and sank with deep breathes. Rarely any light was visible leaving me in darkness. I feel one of my legs collapse, bringing me to my knees. I keep my right arm in position holding up a small child. I bring my left hand to my side and flinch slightly from the touch. Looking down to my hand, I watch as my lenses adjust to the little light. An natural shine makes itself known as it starts to slowly move down my forearm.

I reach into my belt and pull out small amounts of bandages and swiftly bandage my wound. I step up again, letting out a grunt as I do. I hear a small whimper and look down to the child to see her eyes crunched up.

"Hey," I see her look up at me. "Everything is going to be okay, I'll be okay."

"I'm sorry." Her voice is soft, barely heard in this dark room.

I look down confused as she continues.

"This is all my fault."

9th June 2250

"Izuku, come with me." I look over to Aizawa as he finishes homeroom and begin to stand up and walk over. He opens the door and steps out into the hallway. "As you've heard, there have been work studies open to students. I was wondering if you wanted to take one with me." He pauses for a moment. "Since you're already pretty experienced I wouldn't teach you much but I think they'll be a case you might be interested in. Recently I've been reached out to by a hero, they're still gathering information but the moment they've got enough, I'll be invited to a meeting, I want you to be there with me." I think it over for a minute before replying.

"I'll join you, so what's the case about?" My curiosity peaks.

"Something about the yakuza rising. Since All For One is gone, the underworld has an empty thrown that need filling and they believe the yakuza are preparing themselves to fill it. The most they've done so far is sell some drugs but they've been preparing something new. It's still in the experimental phase but it won't be long before it's out on the street." I nod slightly.

"Right, so when do we start?"

"The case, not for another couple weeks. Patrol we can start tomorrow night, I'll come to you're dorm a few minutes before to notify you and get the specific paperwork finalised." He thinks for a moment before remembering something. "Oh, and don't tell your classmates about this, work studies aren't known to them and they won't be told until later in the day." He gives me one final nod and walks away through the corridor. I walk back in and take my seat waiting for next class.

I wonder what's in store for tomorrow.

10th June 2250


The class lets out their confusion. Three people stood at the front of the class. The furthest on the left had bright yellow hair and wide smile. He also had black dots as eyes. The middle had light periwinkle coloured hair and eyes with a curious gaze on each of us. The third person has dark purple hair and an anxious look on his face. The third person was also staring away from us, looking directly into the wall. These were the big three of UA. Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amajiki. I've only met Mirio, and it was at the USJ when we were attacked.

"That's right!" Mirio exclaims to the class. "I want to fight you. It's the most rational to have you all experience our experience firsthand, right?" He says trying to appeal to Aizawa. "How about it, Eraserhead?"

Aizawa's tired gaze looks up before he replies.

"Do what you want." His voice already conveying the exhaustion to come.

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