Chapter 38

492 11 0

15th June 2250

The moonlight shown down onto the top of a building to show two figures, conversing about the city. I stop talking and tilt my head up slightly. I snap my head to the side, causing my partner to pause and look at me.

"What do you hear?" His tired voice reaches out to me.

"Running." I listen closer. "There steps sound light. Must be a child. Let's go Eraser." I start running in the direction with Eraser on my tail. After jumping across a few alleyways we finally reach the noise to find a small child covered in bandages, running from something. I motion for Eraser to stay at the top of the building as a lookout. I dash to the entrance and wait for the sound to get closer and once it was close enough, I step forward.

I act unaware of the incoming child and watch as the child bumps into my leg. They stumble to the ground as I look down to view the child. The dark makes it hard to view but my lenses adjust to reveal bright Snow White hair. Their eyes gleam a frightened red as they look up to me. On their forehead, a small horn erupted from their skin.  Their arms are frail and wrapped in bandages. I kneel down and move my hand towards her, pulling it back slightly as the child flinches from my movement.

"Don't worry child." I bring my hand to the back of their head and pull them closer to me. "May I know your name?" I keep my voice as gentle as possible. I hear a small voice croak out, revealing themselves to be a girl.

"Eri." Her voice comes out high pitch, conveying the same amount of fear in her eyes.

"That's a very pretty name Eri. My names Daikokuten, but you can call me Izuku." I hear slow footsteps begin to approach us and soon enough a voice calls out to us. I bring Eri closer to me as she freezes in place.

"I'm sorry about my daughter." I look further into the darkness and find a man wearing some kind of bird mask. He had short black hair with a green jacket and purple fur along the collar.


"She tends to not look where she's going." I look him in the eye, trying to conceal my anger as much as possible.

"It's no worries." I look to my side and find eraser arriving around the corner. "My intern tends to find himself in these situations a lot." They start to talk, Aizawa trying to stall as much time for me to find out any answers.

"Is this man really your father?" I whisper to her. I feel her head turn in my shoulder, signalling 'no'. "I see. The bandages, does he hurt you?" I feel her flinch slightly before she nods, signalling a 'yes'. I let out a small sigh. "I'm sorry to hear that Eri. And I'm also sorry to say, I can't save you right now." I hold her slightly tighter. "But don't worry, you will be saved. Just hold on for a little longer. Can you do that, for me?" As much as I hate to leave her with him, we are underprepared and attacking him now will only damage any kind of chances at saving her. I feel her grip on me tighten. "I'm sorry Eri. Just hold on for a little longer. I will save you."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience sir." I speak up. "We'll be out of your hair now." I see a look of relief flash over his eyes for a brief second as Eri moves closer to him. They begin to turn around and as they do I clench my fist, unknown to Overhaul.

Once they were far away enough I take a deep breath and unclench my hand.

I will save her.

A few hours later into the night, Aizawa's and myself enter his apartment at UA and he begins writing up a report of the night. As he does I take a seat and think back over the night, telling him what Eri told me, before I remember something.

"Aizawa." I call out to him, causing him to look up. "You mentioned a case, when you first told me of the work studies. It's about Overhaul, isn't it?" I feel my eyes harden in a small glare thinking about it. I see him take a small breath before he replies.

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