Chapter 23

838 18 2

24th June 2250

"That's everything, after that he left and threatened me if I followed him." I relay what happened to the people infront of me.

"I see, you did a good job staying calm." Detective Naomasa said. "Sorry for keeping you for so long, can't help but get as much info as possible right?" I give a nod as he guides me out the building.

I greet Ōkī, who waited for me in the alley. I give a quick scratch on his chin and walk away with him by my side.

"I don't think they'll let you on the train of your that big." I hear him bark as I say this and turn to him. To my amusement he starts to shrink back to a regular size pit bull.

I kneel down to his size and say.

"That's more like it." I start to think. "I'll have to stop by the support department for a collar. Doubt any shop will sell one that shrinks and grows." I also have some equipment I'd like to request.

I pull out my phone and give Nezu a quick call.

"Hello Nezu, it's Izuku. I need some support equipment done soon, it's fairly simple just a collar for a dog. A pit bull. The thing is, he can grow. As in a gigantification quirk." I hear him him over the phone. "It should be simple to make, maybe similar material to whatever Mt. Lady wears."

"Yes, that should be quite simple for powerloader to make, is there anything else you would like to request while we're talking?"

"Yeah, but I can tell it to Powerloader myself, I'll only need it when we're all back from camp."

"I see, well thanks for giving a call, I hope you stop by soon for a chess match. I enjoy playing you."

"Same, and thanks for this by the way, I wasn't sure you'd pick up at such late hours, so thank you."

"It's no problem, I actually only survive on a couple hours of sleep each night so I only go to bed near the morning."

"I see, well goodbye."

I hear him say his goodbye as I hung up the phone.

I look over to Ōkī and see him wagging his tail at the news. I motion for him to follow as I walk away and after a few minutes walking we board the train. I pull him onto my lap and watch as he slowly falls asleep, giving him one more pat on the head as he falls into a slumber.

Once we reach our destination I pick him up and carry him back home. I don't have a dog bed yet. As I consider my options I walk towards my own bed before deciding to place him on my bed and cuddling up to him.

Rumi must be at her place. It's a shame, I bet she'd like sleeping with Ōkī, he's surprisingly comfortable.

After a few hours of sleep I feel a tongue on my face and open my eyes to Ōkī licking my face. I look over to the alarm clock and see it's a few minutes until it goes off.

"I'm gonna need to get you some food, huh?" I place my hand in his neck and give a small scratch before getting up and changing into some casual clothes. Since it was still the weekend I won't have school to worry about for another day.

Ōkī was by my side as I walked to the pet shop and bought a bag of dog food. Since I have no experience with dogs, I let him sniff out his own bag before buying it. Before I go to the counter I see him walk over to the leads section and walk over with him.

"You want a lead buddy?" He barks loudly before I reply to him. "Hey, keep an indoor voice, only bark loud when in danger. So, do you want a lead." He let's out another bark much quieter. I give him a small treat and watch as he roams around looking at different leads. I watch as he stops moving and looks at one before turning to my and wagging his tail.

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