Chapter 24

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TW: Some slight gore at the beginning

A couple weeks later.

"Tell me what you know about the league of villains!" Another fist was placed onto his victim. Said victim had grey hair and a broken pair of circular glasses sat on his nose. Bruises were starting to appear on his face along with a burn from a cigarette a couple seconds ago. He wore a light purple suit and amongst the villains he is known as Giran. His voice becomes panicked as he speaks.

"I can't tell you, it's confidential informati-" before he could continue a knife was slammed through his thigh causing him to scream.

"Do you think I care!" A pair of raging red eyes glares at him, causing him to shake even more. The figure grabs hold of his wrist and applies pressure. "Now then, tell me what you know about the league and where they are!"

28th June 2250

Training had begun, everyone was working hard with their quirks, pushing through their limits. I however, was constantly sparring against one of our teachers, only being able to use one weapon, Not even my fists could be used. I was currently using the bo staff as I've had little time to train with it.

Aizawa comes rushing at me and throws a right jab. Before it lands I move my staff sideways to block it and use the other side to swing into his abdomen, using the momentum of his punch to help move it. Aizawa however, moves his right knee up to avoid taking the hit. He jumps up from his left leg still on the ground and tries to roundhouse kick me. I lean back and watch as the kick flies over my head. Taking advantage of him still facing the other way I land a quick blow to his side and swing the staff around my body and hit it against his legs, hoping to knock him off balance.

Aizawa jumps before it can land and moves away to gain some space. Once far away enough he gets into fighting position. I hold the staff in a narrow grip and start spinning it while running at him. Once I'm close I swing it for his head causing him to duck. I continue spinning it and try to slam it into his right ankle before swinging it the opposite way and head for his left ankle. Aizawa not seeing this had already lifted his right and my staff slammed into his left. I hear him grunt as I pull away my staff and try to slam it down onto his head.

He moves to my right and tries to slam his leg into my gut. I let it hit and wrap my arm around his legs. Still holding the staff a swing it diagonally, trying to hit his neck. Aizawa, whose leg I was still holding, couldn't dodge and took the hit. He reaches up his left and grabs the staff before trying to jab me with his left. I let go off the staff with my right and move the staff up to block the blow. As his fist hits the staff I use my left leg to swipe his own, causing him to fall in the floor.

"Yield!" I hold my staff facing towards him on the ground. Aizawa, who had already lost to me on multiple occasions, took the loss with ease. I reach my hand towards him and help pull him up.

"Your getting better, you must've been practicing on your own for a while?"

"Only little, I haven't had much time to practice as much as I would've liked."

"Well, you can go back to your usual training, if you want some weights just ask." His voice gets even more tired as he talks before slivering into his sleeping bag.

I nod and walk into the forest and go through my basic regiment. As I continue I see footprints leading somewhere.

Becoming suspicious, I follow them which leads me to a cliff overlooking the camp. As I walk I find a little boy sat on the edge.

"It's you, Kota right?" I make myself know causing him to jump in place. "You were with the pussy cats when we met, I'm Izuku."

"Yeah, so what." He glares at me. "I don't want anything to do with you heroes!" Hate covers his voice as he talks. I stop a few meters away and think back.

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