Chapter 15

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"All might will present the awards!"
"Haha, I am here."

Midnight and All Might talk over each other as they arrive to present the awards. On the podium, I stood at the top.

First place.

Katsuki was stood next to me at second, a proud look in his eyes, while Rumi stood at third.

Once our fight was finished, Tokoyami and Rumi had another battle to find out who was third and Rumi won the battle with slight difficulty. Almost anyone could tell she was already tired during the fight, something Tokoyami didn't have to worry about when letting dark shadow do most of the work.

But even though the odds were stacked against her, she still won, and I couldn't be prouder of her determination.

All Might handed out the medals while giving each of us a hug and when he reached me he whispered in my ear.

"We've just gotten intel about the Nomu, Nezu has asked you to join us at our next staff meeting." He held me for a second longer, and I was wondering what he would say next." Also, good job on coming first, I knew you were going to go far."

I let out a smile at the last statement. The next staff meeting should be in a few days and I would have to dress as Horu so they don't question why one of the students are there.

May 15th 2250

Since i had a few days to spare, I spent my time with Rumi and sometimes Katsuki. He caught up to me after the festival, saying he didn't want to lose me again. The friendship we used to have might be gone forever, but he hopes it can be close.

I've also been visiting Clara every now and then. I also got to meet her cat again, mostly to feed her.

But now I was in a room full of pro heroes, all while dressed as japans most wanted vigilante. Almost every teacher except from Aizawa, All Might and Nezu were staring at me.

"Why is a vigilante in the teachers lounge?" Someone spoke up, voicing the question in everyone's head.

"Nezu asked me to be here." My voice caught them by surprise. "I don't care how much Nezu has role you, but I've been working with him and Eraser for the past few months because of the league."

They all still stare at me until I give up and send an annoyed glare.

"Let's just get this meeting over with. And before you try to arrest me, I've made a deal with the chief of police so I would just be let out again."

I walk to the meeting room, leaving everyone in shock.

It didn't take long before everyone piled into the room and started the meeting.

"Okay everyone." Nezu starts. "Detective Noamasa should be calling to leave information about the recent attack any moment now but before that, I'm sure most of you have some questions?" He looked at his teachers expectantly, until Present Mic lifts his hand, his gaze not leaving me spoke up.

"Why is there a vigilante sat in the meeting room?" His eyes still didn't move an inch as he spoke. I couldn't help but feel a pinch of annoyance as the question was asked again.

"I have been working with him to provide each other information about the league. He was the one to inform us of an attack and gave accurate numbers as to how many people would be there, so I think it's only fair as to hold up our end of the deal and give him information."

Everyone nodded at this before Snipe perked up and said. "Is this why the search for him was called off?"

"That is correct, couldn't have our best informant get put behind bars now could we?" Nezu looked around the room, wondering if anyone would choose to go against him.

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