Authors thoughts - sequel?

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This is it. This is the end of the story. I apologise for the short epilogue but It didn't feel right to have the usual length of around two thousand words for an epilogue. Either way, I wanted to thank everyone for reading my story. I've counted up all the words and it's come up to 104669, which is before I make any edits from re-reading my work, so thank you again for taking the time to read everything.

When I started this story, it was simply just something to do in my spare time. Something that I could do when I was bored. But as I spent more time developing the story, developing Izuku as a character, I started writing because I enjoyed to do. I took time to write and I enjoyed coming up with ideas about how I could link back to certain chapters, I enjoyed coming up with a backstory in the notes app on my phone.

When I was writing this story I didn't start publishing chapters until chapter 45 and by the time I had written this and the epilogue I had only just posted chapter 12 a couple hours ago so it's gonna spend a long time, sitting and waiting to be published. The reason I'm posting them so slow is because I didn't want to just post 40 chapters at once so people would feel pressured to start reading I guess. I also wanted to proof read my work before I published so I spent some time doing that. I also edited some chapters after they were released which is the reason it may have said it was released when I published it days ago.

I would like to think I did a good job on this story. Mainly around the end of the story, which is where I think I was at my best when writing it. It's pretty obvious when I was acting lazy or simply didn't want to write something, like the cavalry battle in the sports festival where I just jumped straight to the end and it's mainly because I dislike the cavalry battle in general. But I also thought it might be hard to write it since I would be focusing on four characters at once during several paragraphs so I simply said no to myself and jumped to the end. There was also near the end of the story where I would time skip several weeks since there isn't much story to explain. It was mostly just preparation and I think that only the important things should've been mentioned like the meetings with heroes from around the country along with watching events like the Daika city attack.

I do have an idea on a sequel but it's gonna take some time for me to figure out how I should pace it and how I'm going to introduce some characters to the story. The main villain to the sequel won't be anything related to The League of villains but they will have a small amount of involvement with them. The villain will be a group of people that have acted from the shadows and when I say acted, I mean control society. If you imagine that at the start of the story Shigiraki was in the light, then All for One is the shadows. In this case, All for One is in the light and this group would be the shadows. That's how clueless everyone is about them, not even All for One knew about them. no one knows of their existence and I got this idea from Batman's court of owls with a few details changed. This group will also be old, like before quirks old. I'm thinking they founded somewhere around 1990's or maybe even earlier than that so the organisation would be over 250 years old. I have written a story line and I started writing it around new years. So I'll definitely have some chapters already drafted.

I also have an idea of a short story for Izuku's time training, so it would start with a Poland arc and maybe some stories with Stain and how they split. It wouldn't be as long but it would give more lore behind Izuku. Leave a comment here if you want this story. I say it'll be a short story but I might be able to stretch it out to around 10 to 15 while the sequel will probably be around 20 to 25. It depends on how much I think about the storyline.

If you'd like a sequel, comment here. By the time I've posted this chapter, I'll probably already be 20 or so chapters deep but coming up with a story will take time so don't take my word that I'll have 20 chapters. Either way, these comments will determine wether I post it or not. I'll only start writing a storyline for the Poland story once enough people have commented.

But for now, this is it. Yes Izuku is dead and the sequal will be based around Rumi's point of view for a large part of the story but Izuku will still be mentioned through flashbacks and some general conversations.

For the time being, I do have some story ideas I would like to try out but I would like to attempt a sequel for this story, seeing as it is my first story and I've enjoyed writing this a lot. I have a few ideas and like the sequel it would take a while before I actually upload it but I would like to hear peoples thoughts on them.

One story idea would be called 'The Traveler' it's essentially an immortal Izuku story. He spends thousands of years learning the art of war and acquiring several techniques from the best teachers around the world. It will have the same league of villains and this is what will cause Izuku to come back to Japan.

The other will be called 'Are you even Real?' In this, Izuku will have a quirk that can shift reality. If you want something to base it on, think of the reality stone from marvel but it will have some more abilities that will effect peoples mind with Izuku's command.

I also have an idea of some kind of levelling up system, similar to Solo Levelling but the way to level up would be slightly different.

Leave a comment on how you want me to continue writing and which story line you would be most interested in.

Once again, Thank you for reading this story. every comment, vote, view has meant a lot to me and watching this story grow has been fantastic. But for now, this is it.


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