Chapter 13

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"The Cavalry battle." Midnight starts. Everyone's attention on her. Whether it was for the right reasons or not. "Each group will have 3 to 4 people with one of the players on top of the others while holding their points, now you may be wondering. How are the points given? Well 42nd place is given 5 points and 41st is given 10 points all the way up to 2nd place who has 210 while first place has 10 million points!"

I see Todoroki and Katsuki stare at me while I smirk. Just as planned.

"Please start to pick your teams."

Once she finished, everyone went to either me or Katsuki, everyone keeping a good distance away from Todoroki. I manage to get away from the crowd and make my way towards a man with a beak for a mouth. Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Join me, I already have a plan and with you we can win." He doesn't take long before he agrees and I search for our next teammate until I find him. Purple hair standing on end. Shinso Hitoshi. He isn't in 1A or the hero course for that matter but I have faith after that watching him in the first round.

"Shinso right?" He nods. "Join us, I know you have the power to help us reach first so join us."

He looks shocked. "You want me to join you? Are you aware of my quirk?"

"Yes I saw you use it, it's a shame you couldn't get into the hero course. You could've been a great hero with it." I pause. "So let's prove them why you should be in the hero course." I extend my hand, hoping he shakes it back.

After getting out his shock he reaches out and gives a firm grip to my hand.

"I'm in."

One left. Where is he?

I wasted no time when my eyes caught him, walking towards a giant man with an abundant amount of limbs. Mezo Shoji.

"Shoji, I hope you will join me to victory."

Just like Tokoyami he joins quickly. The class knows how strong I am, probably why only Shinso hesitated or it was from past bullying.

"Alright, Shinso can you explain your quirk. I know what it does but I must know how it activates."

"Brainwash, if someone responds verbally I can control them." He closes his eyes, waiting for backlash but but Shoji cuts in.

"That is quite a useful quirk, you could defuse many situations without trouble. I hope you make it into the hero course." Tokoyami agrees.

"Ok, you and Shoji will be in the back. Shoji will warn us about attacks from the back and sides while Shinso will stop any and command them to give their points. I will be on the top, defending from any attacks that may get through. Tokoyami, you will be in the front giving defence from any frontal attacks while stealing any points as possible. Can I trust you dark shadow?" I looked at Tokoyami's shadow, carefully watching his movements.

Dark shadow seems to like the direct attention and pops out giving a thumbs up, surprising Shinso, shouting a 'Yes!' I smile and give a quick pat on its head before he retracts into Tokoyami.

After a few minutes the round begins and all the teams charge towards Todoroki.

"Where are we going?" Tokoyami asks. "To the 10 million?"

"No." Everyone stares at me, confused. "Everyone will be focused on them while we will go for the smaller points, Todoroki would be able to keep us at arms length while the smaller, weaker teams won't stand a chance so we can get a firm second place."

Everyone nods and runs towards the slower teams. Throughout the round we were only attacked a few times, easily defending against them with Shoji's awareness and Shinso's mind control and soon the round ends with us in second.

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