Chapter 41

431 11 0

24th June 2250

I push open the door and greet the receptionist to the hospital. After the check up I was allowed to leave and so was Aizawa so we each went back to the dorms. Most of my classmates were shouting how I was back, saying how cool it was to see the others on tv. They asked why I wasn't shown and I explained to the I was aiming to be an underground hero so I avoided the camera.

I let out a sigh recalling the memory and make my way up the stairs, walking down a lonesome hallway until I reach a certain door. I lightly knock and push down on the handle, opening the door and walking into the room. The light from the bedside lamp illuminates the room as the blinds were shut. I find Eri laying in bed, seemingly zoned out. She was still in a gown but for the moment they had taken off her bandages, revealing countless scars. I take a seat next to the bed, Eri still unaware of my presence. I soon let myself known, shaking her out her thoughts.

"Hey. Everything okay?" I ask. She flinches before looking at me. Once she realises who I was she tries to hide under the sheets. "Why are you hiding?"

"My scars." I frown slightly. "They're ugly." I lean back in my seat for a moment. I reach for the edge of my shirt and pull it up, revealing my skin. I place my shirt on a nearby table and start talking.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" Her curiosity peaks as she lifts her eyes out from under the sheet. I watch as her eyes widen, taking in every detail of my scarred body. "No scar is ugly, nor beautiful. They serve as a reminder to what we've lived through." Her eyes start to water slightly. "Eri, our scars can destroy us, even after the physical wound has healed. But if we survive them, they can transform us. They can give us the power to endure." I place my hand lightly on her head. "Do you understand?" I see her nod somewhat while wiping her eyes with her forearms.

The lights suddenly black out as power to the building is cut. I look around the room in confusion when suddenly I move my hand up to my face, catching an object. I move my other hand at the same time to Eri and catch the same object. I look to my hands for a split second before a peircing pain breaches the left side of my torso.

I look back up to Eri and grab her before jumping to the ground. Arrows start drilling into the wall opposite the window. I look to my gut and see an arrow sticking out. I reach down and grab the shaft and roughly pull it out, making me grunt. I throw the arrow to the side and find Eri's eyes look at me in concern before the building begins to shake slightly. I pick her up in my right arm and start to move to the door.

They must be here for Eri. We must've missed someone. And they were smart, cutting the power, securing our vision, and striking fast.

I look down to my phone and send a quick SOS to the HN network. I start to walk down the hallway, watching as several nurses and doctors run by to the lower floors to help patients evacuate and make my way down several flights off stairs. I soon start to smell smoke. By now most people should have evacuated, I should've been able to evacuate but this injury has slowed me down, causing My breathing has become out of order. As we get lower the smoke starts to get worse, so I grab the makeshift scarf I gave Eri and wrap it around her mouth to act as a mask.

My steps keep patting on the ground, not bothering to hide my position. My shoulders rose and sank with deep breathes. Rarely any light was visible leaving me in darkness. I feel one of my legs collapse, bringing me to my knees. I keep my right arm in position holding up Eri. I bring my left hand to my side and flinch slightly from the touch. I look down to my hand and watch as my lenses adjust to the little light. An unnatural shine makes itself known as it starts to slowly move down my forearm.

I reach into my belt and pull out small amounts of bandages and swiftly bandage my wound. I step up again, letting out a grunt as I do. I hear a small whimper and look up to Eri to see her eyes crunched up.

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