Chapter 18

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29th may 2250

"Due to your actions you would be punished, woof."

I see through the corner of my eye that Shoto  was about to stand up before I motion for him to stay seated.

"However, due to you being quirkless you have not broken any laws regarding your fight with Stain woof. Besides this, as the chief of police I must extend my thanks towards you, woof." His head bows towards me as I stare.

After the fight with Stain, we were sent to the hospital for the rest of the night. Even though I wasn't injured I followed since the Nomu's had been dealt with. But before I went to the hospital, I left a small gift for Shigiraki.

28th may 2250

"You've got to get to the hospital!" A random hero shouted at me. "You just took on the hero killer, you must have some injury!" I stared incredulously at them before saying something back.

"fine I'll go, but before that, I need to leave one last thing." Before he could talk back I had already turned and scaled up the side of the wall and started running.

During my fight with Stain I noticed something, or more like someone. Above a water tower, there was a purple mist and a lone figure.

As I approached, Izuku washed away and Horu rose. My footsteps became non-existent and my breathing calmed down as every muscle relaxed and tensed slightly as if getting ready to fight. My eyes went cold as I stared on and listened in.

"Hmm, maybe this will move their attention towards us." Shigiraki moved his hand towards his chin and held on, leaving out his pinky.

"Perhaps Tomura, but I believe it would be best to leave before a hero spots us."

As Kirogiri prepares to make a portal I make my presence known and jump towards him, slamming my hand into his neck brace and bringing it to the ground.

After temporarily disabling him I start a dash towards Shigiraki while throwing four of my hidden knives. The first was sent towards his head so he would turn his body away from me while the second was aimed at his centre of mass, causing him to lose balance. Now the third and fourth, we're both sent towards his hand. Since he was off balance and no longer facing towards me I aimed while his arm was in the air above him, trying to regain balance. As he wasn't looking he didn't see either knife coming .

Before he can register the pain I tackle him to the ground, off the water tower. As we fall I grab onto him and send a few quick jabs to his stomach and reposition my body so that I land on him. On impact with the ground I roll slightly away, like I did with the Nomu earlier.

I hear him wheezing behind me as I slowly turn to face him. He tries to put one hand on the ground to push himself up but the pain from both blades caused him to flinch and fall back down. After learning that lesson he relied on his elbows to get up.

We both stare at each other as I let out a breath. The cold shows as a frost exits my mouth.

I quickly reach into my pocket for a smoke pellet and throw it at his feet. I need to keep him outside of Kirogiri's sight and neutralise both of them.

I run at him and duck under a wild haymaker and uppercut him halfway between his hip and armpit. The perfect place to crack a rib with the right strength.

I hear him let out a hiss of pain as his steps indicate he limps slightly away. Using my hearing and senses to my advantage I swiftly run behind him and wrap my arms around his waist before pulling him over my head and slamming his head into the ground behind me.

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