Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Marriage (1)

“Do couples in arranged marriage actually fall in love ; or is it mere compatibility ?”

It’s been particularly cold this year, but by early November, there’s a hint of early winter.

It was six o’clock in the evening, and it was already dark. Looking down from White Stallion Building, the cars on the road were like a stream of fire, endless and dazzling.

The Daming Pottery House was brightly lit, and the most bustling time of the day for the office workers was just beginning during their off-hours. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you could see several potters in the pottery classroom teaching guests how to control the electric pulling machine.

The pottery shop was doing well, and customers were roughly divided into three categories: couples who had watched “The Ghost of Man”, children who came with their parents, and white-collar workers who were in a depressed mood at work.

Lisa was sitting behind her desk, waiting for her boss Guan Lin to send her this month’s salary. Pottery was not Lisa's main job; she was a college student majoring in broadcasting and hosting and was promoted to senior year this year. At the beginning of her senior year, Lisa would be having an internship so that she could get a good job after graduation in the future.

Some time ago, she went to Xia City Broadcasting Station to apply for an internship. Today, she received the news that she passed the interview. The internship was not like a part-time job. It required five days and eight hours on duty. She had no time to continue working part-time in the pottery house, so she came over to resign.

“Can I still come over on the weekend to help?” Lisa asked the boss Guan Lin.

The boss Guan Lin was a decadent young man. Generally speaking, very appetizing. No more than twenty-six or seven this year, with long hair tied behind his head and half a flower arm tattooed on his left arm. The female potters in the pottery house were more or less smitten with him, After all, he was good-looking, and she heard that his family background was also excellent.

But he was such a wild horse. Girlfriends were all over the prairie and would not be stopped by any grass at all.*t/l: means he isn’t content with just one girlfriend

Guan Lin squinted at Lisa and asked, “Do you have time?”

Seeing that the boss was somewhat relieved, Lisa hurriedly nodded, “Yes, the internship unit I found has double weekends off.”

Guan Lin grunted and said, “We’re not short of part-time students on weekends.”

White Stallion Building was located in the center of Xia City University Town and on weekends, it’s full of college students.

As soon as the words fell, Guan Lin saw the glow in her dark brown eyes fading out, like a tungsten lamp with severed power.

She had a pair of very beautiful eyes, which made her whole temperament appeared particularly elegant. In fact, she was also very good-looking, with an oval face, big eyes, and a rosy small lip. Her long black hair was tied behind her head and her cheek was covered with two bangs, which made her skin whiter. People in the pottery house called her a pottery beauty.

But perhaps God opened a door for her and at the same time closed a window for her. Her family was very poor, and she had to work part-time in White Stallion Building all year round and was very short of money.

After all, he’s still a man. Looking at her like this, Guan Lin was somewhat sympathetic. Then he nodded and said, “Alright, you can come.”

Lisa's eyes immediately lit up, and said gratefully: “Thank you, boss.”

Before going out, Lisa told the boss that today was her sister’s birthday, she wanted to buy a ceramic cup for her birthday present in the pottery house, hoping the boss could give her a discount. Guan Lin waved his hand in agreement and she left happily.

Looking at her slim and slender figure, Guan Lin lit a cigarette and lamented that this schoolgirl was really living a very miserable life, the family was just poor and had a younger sister. When she graduated and worked, she might have to support the whole family. Such a family, even if she was married, it would just be a poor marriage.

Lisa had no idea that she had been so much grieved by her boss’s thoughts. She picked a ceramic cup with a rabbit pattern on it, handed over the money and went to catch the subway.

Su House was a three-story villa located in the north of Xia City. Today was her half-sister Yeri's twentieth birthday party, A row of luxury cars parked outside the villa. The villa was brightly lit, luxurious and lively.

In order to avoid the noisy crowd, Lisa directly went to the third floor of the villa. Her room was in the attic on the third floor. After entering, Lisa put her gift down and hastily changed into her dress.

This dress was bought for her by her stepmother, Song Yiyun, when she was eighteen years old. She seldom wore them, but at eighteen and now twenty-two, she had grown taller, and the dress was a bit small and tightly tied around her body, not very comfortable.

After changing the clothes, she let loose her hair again, put on some makeup, and hurried towards the second floor.

Yeri's room on the second floor was closed. From time to time, someone took different gowns and went in. When the door was opened, the voice of her stepmother Song Yiyun came out from the inside.

“You’re such a brat!”

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