Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Straightforward Intentions and Clean Actions (2)

“Where have you been?”

Lisa didn’t notice her pale complexion. She swayed out her heavy dress and asked with a smile, “Is it pretty?”

She stood on the stage where she tried the wedding dress. The light around the stage made the wedding dress more dazzling. And, in the dazzling wedding dress, Lisa smiled prettily. Her long black hair was pulled up to reveal her sparkling face and a pair of brown eyes which were crystal clear, more beautiful and dazzling than the jewels on her wedding dress.

Her skin was already white and tender and, with the white veil, she looked like a little princess.

Rose watched her for a long time, nodded and said, “Very good.”

The stylist and makeup artist left first, leaving only two people in the lounge. Sensing that she was not in the right mood, Lisa walked off the stage, took her hand and sat on the sofa, asking, “Are you alright?”

The wedding dress was a bit heavy, so Lisa dragged it and sat on the sofa with difficulty.

The two had been close friends for many years, and Rose also didn’t want to hide it anymore, she looked at Lisa and asked, ”Why did you agree to marry back then? Do you know him, do you like him? Does he know you and like you? If you two get married like this, how are you going to live after you get married? No one cares about you or loves you, don’t you think that’s pathetic?”

After listening to those people’s comments, Rose was worried. When she said those words, she felt a little agitated. Now she was upset and angry with Lisa, and her eyes were red with anxiety.

She didn’t know who made Rose like this. Lisa was so stunned by her repeated questioning that her heart felt cold.

Lisa was somewhat helpless. She felt less painful. Looking at Rosw, she didn’t know what to say.

“In fact, it’s not that pathetic. Anyway, it’s just a change of place. I think it’s better than when I was in the Su family, where I had to look at three people’s faces. After I marry, I’ll just have to look at one person.”

Rose was annoyed by her, “It’s that good?”

“It’s quite good.” Lisa nodded. She leaned back on the sofa and said to Rose, “I’m used to being low-key and I know how to depend on others. I know how to observe the situation, eliminate my sense of existence, and not disturb others. Not to annoy him and show my value to him. Give him whatever help I can when he needs it.”

Rose’s heart felt really cold when she heard that. She stopped her friend and said, “Don’t you say it quickly, the more you say it, the more fucking pathetic it becomes.”

Lisa hugged her and smiled.

Eunwoo stood at the door of the lounge, observing the look on his boss’s face. They had just finished the extra shift. After he reported that Lisa had been notified today to try on the wedding dress, the boss asked him to drive over.

The lounge door was not closed tightly, and the conversation between the two girls spread through the crack of the door, leaving no word missing.

“President Jeon.”

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