Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Isn’t that your wife? (2)

“I want to buy a house.” Lisa took a bite of noodles and her body felt warmer.

“Your husband is so rich, let him buy it for you.” Rosé said.

Lisa raised her eyes at her, the steam from pigment bone noodles clouded her deep brown eyes, she took the chopsticks and rolled the noodles, she said, “That’s different, it’s not like what he gave me is my own.”

“When the time comes he divorce you, the house will be yours.”Rosé frowned and said, “Why are you so firm?”

Not that Lisa was determined, but she knew that the richer the man, the different he was. Although this family had a lot of money, it’s not like the money was falling from the sky. At best, she was only a stranger living with him. How could Jungkook buy her a house?

The activity at the Luochen bar was at eight in the evening, and Lisa had to go there an hour earlier, and the pottery house side didn’t leave work until nine, so the time was a bit of a conflict. At five o’clock in the afternoon, Lisa went to her boss, Guan Lin, to report that she had something to take off.

Guan Lin was sitting on the boss’s chair, shooting darts, when he heard that Lisa had carefully expressed her intention to take a leave of absence, he gave her a glance and said, ”Is it too much for me to say? After your internship, you can only come on weekends, I agree, and you end up taking time off from work three times, so please don’t bother coming here again.”

With an apologetic face, Lisa said, “I got married some time ago, so I took more leave, and I won’t take it as often in the future.”

When Lisa’s words fell, the dart in Guan Lin’s hand “snapped” and missed. He looked back at Lisa, who was standing there, and asked, “You got married before your hair even grew?”

Lisa: “…”

Guan Lin finally gave her permission to leave, because he was very sympathetic Lisa, who was now in his mind a poor little girl who had to get married and sold herself in order to support her family at a young age. And her financial situation after marriage must be bad, because if her husband was making money, she wouldn’t have come to him three times over for a part-time job as a potter.

Naturally, Lisa didn’t know about it, and she didn’t feel sorry for herself. After a week of being married, Jungkook was still on a business trip. The two couples did not even make a phone call. She didn’t know Jungkook’s phone number and had nothing to say even though she knew it. After all, there was no intersection between the two people’s lives. And the two people were not from the same world after all.

There’s nothing wrong with such a marriage, quiet, but free. At the very least, Jungkook would not be chauvinistic, controlling her here and restraining her there. If that was the case, she wouldn’t even be able to take this bar job.

As soon as Sunday evening arrived, Lisa and Rosé went to the bar together.

Jungkook’s business trip was not related to his EV company, but for the Jeon Group. Jeon Group had just opened a new holiday hotel in Jingcheng. The chairman of the Jeon Group, Old Master Jeon, was unable to attend due to health reasons, the head of the Jeon family was currently unoccupied, as the eldest grandson and heir of the Jeon Group, he could only come to act as the representative.

After returning to China for two years, he rarely participated in the work of the Jeon Group, but after the autumn of this year, his grandfather’s health was significantly worse than before, and Jungkook gradually began to attend some of the meetings and activities of the Jeon Group.

“The old man told me today that he was pissed off by you this time.”

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