Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Word To The Wise (1)

The credit card that Jungkook had given her had over a hundred thousand in it, which was not a small amount for Lisa. Since it was a family budget, she couldn’t take the money for herself, but with that card she would be able to save her own money for daily expenditures.

The day after his return, Jungkook was out on a business trip again. According to the news, Old Master Jeon had fallen ill and Jungkook had to take care of not only the work of his firm, but also that of the Jeon family corporation, keeping him very busy.

Lisa once read a quote that said ‘if your husband gave you a hundred thousand a month, but he wasn’t home all day, would you be willing to marry him?’ Whether others were willing or not she had no idea, but Lisa was more than willing to marry such a husband.

Regardless of how the marriage ended up, now she didn’t have to worry about her clothes, food and accommodation. As long as it didn’t conflict with her future plans, this kind of marriage was just perfect for her.

Lisa had been an intern at the TV station for two weeks. In the third week, several hosts from the same department had put up a welcome party for her and another intern host.

The party was held in a hot pot restaurant next to the TV station. People who learned broadcasting and hosts were both loud and outgoing, so the hot pot party was very lively.

Today was the reception for the new internship host. Lisa and another internship host named Tzuyu naturally became the focus of the topic. Although they were the focus of the topic, as newcomers they had to serve tea and pour water, being thoughtful to their seniors.

After eating some food, Lisa went out for a trip to the bathroom. Tzuyu was just so embarrassed by the teasing from her seniors about finding her a boyfriend, she hastily followed Lisa out as well.

Tzuyu was from Xia City University’s media department and had a relatively easy-going personality, so everyone liked to tease her.

The two chatted idly and went to the bathroom. Lisa had just entered the cubicle when she received a call from Rosé.

Last time, the bar manager said that with the presence of their crosstalk, the bar had been attracting many customers and the business was in full swing. Now several bars had followed suit, so he was asking Rosé if she was willing to host the crosstalk in their places.

“If I can earn big bucks from it, of course I will go.” Lisa said to her.

“I thought your husband wouldn’t let you go after your previous encounter.” The cubicle space was small, and Rosé’s voice was amplified inside.

“My husband, ah, he doesn’t really care about me, he said as long as I can protect myself, I’m free to go.” Lisa said with a smile.

Over the phone, Rosé let out an ‘oops’. “I thought you two were in love when he was protecting you in front of the bar.”

Lisa was a bit drunk. When Rosé said this, she felt a little dizzy. She also thought about the last time she was in the bar. With a snort of laughter, Lisa said lightly: “You better snap out of it now, it’s not like you don’t know what’s going on with the two of us.”

“Alright.” Rosé blurted the word out from the other side of the phone. Then, Lisa told her about Jungkook giving her money. Rosé urged her to embezzle some of it, they had some jokes about it and Lisa hung up the phone.

Unbeknownst to them, the phone calls were a bit long. After Lisa went out, the bathroom was already empty. She called out to Tzuyu, and no one answered. Thinking that she had already left, Lisa didn’t care either. She washed her hands and left the bathroom.

She returned to the private box from the bathroom. As soon as she entered, she noticed that all eyes were cast on her.

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