Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Marriage (3)

“Then you still want to send little Miss…….”

“I extended an olive branch to him, and he accepted it. Then we exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom).” Su Gongcheng said, ”But if he doesn’t answer, then I have to make another plan.”

The banquet officially began at 7 o’clock and Lisa was arranged on the main table. In addition to the three members of the Su family, there were also several confidants from Su Gongcheng company. On top of that, there was a seat reserved next to Yeri. Lisa thought about it, it should be that so-called big shot.

Yeri’s eyebrows turned into a knot when she saw Lisa was sitting at the same table with them. When someone next to her whispered that “Mr. Jeon” was coming, she immediately stretched out her eyebrows and looked not far away with a graceful smile on her face.

The guests were all distracted by the arrival of this “Mr. Jeon”, Lisa looked back, and saw a tall, handsome-looking man walking over in confidence,

He went to his seat and sat down. He was greeted by some people in the room, and he responded with a smile and an air of elegance in every way.

This person was the so-called influential person of this birthday party-Jeon Jungkook, a real gentleman.

Xia City was a developed coastal city with a lot of wealthy people, and the four families of Huai He Mei Liu were the ones with the deepest roots. The ordinary groups either profit by a speculative enterprise or prospered after doing business for a few years. Compared with these four giant families, the young master of other families was no more than the ordinary rich second generation. They were known as Xia City Four young bachelor, and Jeon Jungkook was one of them.

The man’s appearance was too excellent, and Lisa couldn’t help but look at him a couple more times. He had a large build, he should have been about 187 cm. Shoulder-width, leg-length, lean and proportionate, a well-cut suit dressed like a male model in a magazine. He was also very handsome in comparison to his figure. He had a cold white complexion, deep facial contours, high brow bones and nose, and exceptionally deep eyes.

As she watched him, the man seemed to sense her sight and looked back, and after meeting her eyes, he gave her a polite smile.

Lisa withdrew her eyes, stroked her heart, and bowed her head to eat silently.

She did not have anything else to do, either talking business with her father or chatting about foreign scenery with Yeri, which she did not understand.

The birthday party went quickly, and after dinner, Su Gongcheng took Yeri to make a wish and cut the cake. Returning to the table, Su Gongcheng laughed and said something to Yeri, and Yeri blushed to her ears and said, “Dad, you mustn’t talk nonsense.”

Song Yiyun smiled as she looked at her husband and daughter and asked what’s the matter. Yeri was half willing and half unwilling, Su Gongcheng smiled and said, “I asked Xiao Yeri if she wished for a boyfriend, but she said no.”

Hearing this, everyone at the table laughed. Song Yiyun looked at her daughter and said, ”It’s also indeed time to find a boyfriend. But even though Xiao Yeri has grown up, she has been dancing all her life and has a simple mind, and I was afraid she would have been cheated if she were not matched with a man who knows his roots.”

Su Gongcheng took Song Yiyun’s words and turned to Jungkook, he said half-jokingly and half-seriously, “Jungkook, You should also consider starting a family now, right? What do you think of my daughter? “

There was laughter again on the table. Yeri pretended to be angry: “Dad!”

The line of sight focused on the man, but Jungkook was still generous and complacent. He glanced at Yeri and smiled. “It is indeed time to consider. Your little daughter is excellent. It’s certainly my honor to marry Uncle Su’s daughter.”

Yeri looked nervously at him, but there was a small hope in her eyes.

He met this sight, and looked at her with a faint smile, then the words turned.

“But Miss Yeri is too young to know about love, but it’ll still be alright if Uncle Su betroths your eldest daughter to me.”

For a while there was no sound at the table, and the development of things deviated from expectations, but Su Gongcheng had forced himself up and could not advance or retreat. He glanced at Lisa and said with a smile: “This depends on whether Lisa agrees or not. “

Lisa lifted her eyes, all the eyes on the table were gathered on her, a gaze of threat from her father, cynical by Yeri, envied by Song Yiyun, the others were either curious or watching the hustle and bustle, only that person’s gaze was soft and warm.

Within the Su Family, Lisa seldom had the right to choose, not to mention to cross over to Yeri. She used to look at the face of the Su family, but now it’s the Su family who looked at her face.

Anyway, she had to get married sooner or later.

Lisa nodded her head and said, “Yes.”

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