Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: My husband keeps a tight rein on me and doesn’t let me drink outside. (2)


Lisa finished her job that night and returned home in Jungkook’s car. She drank some more wine and kept her eyes closed. Lisa didn’t disturb him, and the two were completely silent the whole way.

After arriving home, Jungkook went to the bathroom on the second floor to take a bath. Lisa smelled of alcohol and smoke after being a host in the bar, so she went to the guest room to take a bath.

Once she finished washing up, she came out and saw Jungkook was talking on the phone on the sofa in the living room. Listening to the content of the phone call, he should be making arrangements for tomorrow’s work.

Jungkook ended the call and sipped a glass of water. He surveyed the home, which was clean and tidy and only had little changes from when he had left.

He thought of something and looked back at the stairs. Meanwhile, Lisa stood at the end of the stairs while thinking about something. She wore a cotton nightgown, which she had brought from her house. Her long hair was spread over her shoulders, her eyelashes were long and thick under the light, and the dark brown eyes under the lashes were crystal clear.

Such a quiet woman was nothing like the one who was hosting the bar tonight.

After taking her to meet his mother, Jungkool learned that his wife’s major in college was broadcasting and hosting. Beyond that, he knew nothing about her work, and even less about her.

“Do you work in a bar?”

Jungkook looked at her and asked.

Lisa’s eyelashes quivered, she looked up and shook her head, ”No, it’s a casual job. I usually intern at the TV station and was supposed to work part-time at the pottery house on the weekends. I went to the bar because this one had relatively more money today.”

She was in her senior year and was working a part-time job while interning. On the wedding day, she only asked him for school fees and living expenses, and did not speak to him about other expenses.

“Are you lacking money?” Jungkook asked.

Lisa held the handrail of the stairs. She felt like Jungkook was like a teacher now. The teacher caught her shortcoming and interrogated her.

When the question was raised, Lisa froze for a moment. Finally, she smiled and said, “I’m a poor student, after all.”

The two chatted across the long stairs, her voice already light as it reached his ears. Jungkook got up from the sofa and walked towards Lisa.

He had changed into a light-colored home outfit. Even so, his tall frame still looked very oppressive.Lisa’s hand holding the handrail tightened as she watched him walk towards her.

His expression didn’t change much, he still had a gentle and light look. Jungkook looked at her, smiled, then reached over and handed her a card. “Use this card for future living expenses.”

The two were already married and could be called a family now. As the man of the family, he was supposed to bear the expenses.

Lisa looked at the black card in his hand. She decided not to be polite about it, reaching out to receive it and nodded, “Okay.”

Suddenly, Lisa remembered about tonight, and she looked at him and said, “Are you not too fond of me going there?”

She had just taken a bath and her body faintly smelled of camellias. Her white face had a pair of eyes as clear as gems. She exuded a youthful freshness, clean and innocent that really didn’t fit in with the atmosphere of the bar.

“That’s your freedom, just protect yourself.” Jungkook looked at her and added. “I am not a strict husband.”

After he finished speaking, he went back to the bedroom, but Lisa did not come back to her senses for a while. When she realized his sentence was corresponding to when she said her husband was very strict, she gently smiled.

The two got into bed, each on one side, but the sides were small after all. Lisa could feel the man’s breath and sniff the good smell of his shower gel on his body. It smelled like a mixture of ocean and vanilla, which in the darkness made one imagine that this tall, handsome man was aromatic.

Lisa felt comfortable and leaned over unconsciously. As soon as she turned, her cheek touched the man’s finger.

This little touch, it was like a signal.

These two people had not lived like a couple for long. For a normal family, a small parting was better than a big one.

Lisa’s memories of sex and love only stopped at the wedding night. Her mind flashed back to that night and Lisa’s breathing gradually became rougher. The silence spread as the man’s fingers on her cheek remained under her face and, not long after, his fingers slid down to her chin.

Her chin was gently picked, Jungkook’s warm and cool lips covered hers and Lisa’s body first tightened in surprise, before gradually softening with that deep kiss.

Her mind was in turmoil. Her hand caressed her husband’s chest, slowly sliding down and feeling his firm, muscular 4 packs. He had a good figure, muscular but not exaggerated, brimming with a hint of maturity.

“Huh?” His voice was low, asking for her opinion before taking the next step.

Lisa heard the low, sexy voice beside her ear and her voice trembled. “I just took your card. It feels a bit strange now. “

Jungkook paused his movements and stared at her with hanging eyes, a pair of eyes as deep as cold pools.

“So shall I have my card back?”

He had just finished asking when the girl in his arms shook her head frantically. “No… No.”

Looking at the mist under her eyes, Jungkook chuckled lightly and kissed her again. Lisa accepted his kiss, then their tongues tangled together as the light in her eyes shattered little by little.

This kind of life, Lisa surprisingly felt it was a bit sweet.

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