Chapter 5

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🌸Dedicated to opalscorpion

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🌸Dedicated to opalscorpion .🌸
🌸 Thanks for the support. 🌸
🌸I really appreciate it.🌸

*I don't own any of the pictures*

Carlisle's POV

"What about Ohana!! Ohana means family and family means-"

"Honey we're home!!" We hear Emmett shout.

"Why do you always have to shout Emmett?"

"Oh shut up Edward. Hey gu-Oh. What you guys watching?" He asks referring to the show we were watching.

"Lilo and Stitch." Ness replies, getting up and going over to her parents, hugging them, then giving Jacob a fist bump.

"How was school?" I ask them, pausing the movie. Standing up.

"Like school. How was meeting your mate?" Alice asks, a big smile taking over her face. I couldn't stop the smile that came on mines as well, and seeing it caused the others to smile as well.

"We're happy for you Carlisle." Bella congratulates me.

"Yeah she seems really nice." Jasper says.

"And she has style." Rosalie adds, and Alice agrees happily.

"Darling, the owner of the bakery is planning to set the both of you up. Her thoughts are very amusing." Edward says chuckling.

" know you normally invade minds before doing introductions." Jacob comments, folding his arms.

"I don't always invade people's thoughts Jacob."

"Could've fooled me." He states, Edward goes to grab him, but Bella grabs his arm before he could reach him. Jacob making distance between them as well.

"Stop before Edward hurts you Jake." Bella tells him off.

"Like he'll listen. Both of you aside. We have dinner at Ms. D's for 8 tonight." Rose tells me. I look to Alice.

"What did you do Alice? You guys were just suppose to stop by for some cupcakes."

"Hey! I didn't do anything. This was all Darling's idea." She says, throwing her hands up in surrender.

"As much as I'm happy you're getting to see your mate Carlisle, I am not looking forward to eating dirt." Rose says.

"You guys could of declined."

"Ehhh it's not so easy saying no to her." Jacob says scratching the back of his neck.

" Jacob says scratching the back of his neck

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