Chapter 20

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Marianna POV9:35pm

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Marianna POV

"Do you believe him dear? What if he's just pretending again?"

We asked Honey and Gastron to stay at the castle for the night, so that we can all leave together in the morning. I sat on the bed watching Winston pace up and down our bedroom.

"Hun please come sit down. You're pacing is giving me a headache." He comes over to me sitting down and taking my hands in his.

"Should we believe him?"

"Winston I trust Honey, and if she trusts him then, I say we tread lightly but not naively. You don't have to accept him with open arms hun." Placing my hand on his face.

"I know how much it hurt you when you found out what he did. And I know how much you want to have him back in your life. I'm not forcing you. It's your decision to make. If you choose not to, I'll support your decision. And if you choose, to accept him...I'll support that too. Now come on let's sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." He nods, getting unto his knees in front of me. Hugging my waist.

He lightly kisses my stomach,making me smile.


Winston and I walked into the dinning room for breakfast, seeing everyone except Honey there. My in laws stood talking to Gastron. My mother in law hits his chest crying before pulling her eldest into her arms.

"I knew it. I knew you weren't truly like that, I just didn't know what to do. You were always such a good child growing up. I wondered for years what caused you to changed so drastically one day." She says, pulling away from him and hitting him again, but harder this time in his face.

"Ow Mom!"

"Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you talk to your father?"

"Would it have changed anything? I most likely would have gotten a little more free time but I still would've become King. It was the only way I thought I could truly get out of the crown."

"We were close Gastron. Why didn't you talk to me?" Winston says joining the conversation.

"I wanted everyone to think I was the horrible prince, including you. If everyone hated me, it would make me not becoming king much easier. I'm truly sorry for everything guys."

"So that's why you would always say, Freedom is a treasure." He smiles.

"Because it is." The doors to the dinning room opens up and Honey runs in.

"I just contacted Amun, he said that Darla is in Jashville UK. I don't understand why he would let her travel. We have to leave now."


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