Chapter 33

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[Two updates today.💕🌸
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Here you go.😊🫶]

Carlisle Pov

I walk back downstairs from my office, looking around the living room for Gwen. The Volturi left to hunt, and will be back soon.

Jasper signals me towards the back, and I nod, heading there.

I step out the door, finding her sitting by the edge of the pool. Her feet in the water.

"Hey there."

She jumps, her head whipping to me. But it seems to forget where she is, using my vampire speed I run to her, pulling on her top, stopping her from falling in.

"Don't do that!!" She yells as I help her to stand. Hitting my chest.
"I could of fall in."

"Sorry love. But you don't have to worry, I'll always catch you." She shakes her head, giggling.

I wrap my arms around her waist.
"What's going on in that mind of yours? Talk to me."

"A lot of things actually." She says, looking up at me.
"Do you believe him?" I fix the blanket on her shoulders.

"Partially. But we'll see for sure when we get there." She nods,resting her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, remaining quiet.

"Oh I'm sorry." We pull away, looking to her birth mother.
"May I talk with her for a moment?"

"Sure." I reply. I raise her hand to my lips kissing it softly.

"I'll be inside." She gives me a small smile, nodding.

I enter the house once again, and Amun immediately calls out to me.
"Carlisle! Come let me introduce you to Honey."

I walk up to the two who stood near the kitchen area.

"So you're the blonde gentleman that swept my baby girl off her feet."

"Guilty." I laugh.
"It's nice to meet you Ms. Willows." I  stretch my hand out to her.

"Oh cut that out!" She hits it away.
"You're basically family now." She says pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you for being there for her." She pulls away.
"Truly." I smile.

"No need to thank me."

"Amun acts all game, but Kedi and Benjamin speak very highly of you."

"Ahh yess. Amun has a thought that I'm taking his coven from him." I chuckle, causing Amun to roll his eyes.

"How did you both meet? Tell me everything? Did you fall in love at first sight?" Honey rambles. Amun lets out a huff, surely not wanting to hear of how I "took" Gwen from him.

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