Chapter 8

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(A/N: I don't own rights to any of these pictures

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(A/N: I don't own rights to any of these pictures.)

Edward's POV Cont.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?! I told you to stay in Forks until I gave word!"

"We know Jake. It's just that...Sam was getting on our nerves-"

"Your nerves." Seth's interjects, and Leah glares at him.

"Our nerves." He raises his hands in surrender.
"I know you told us to stay with him, but seriously Jake, he's not our alpha. And having him order us around just didn't feel right. We coped with it for awhile, because you told us too, but if they gave just one more nasty remark, someone was going to get hurt."

"So before any of that had to we are!!" Seth concludes.

"What about Sue-"

"Mom says, once we keep in contact, and visit every now and again, she's fine." Seth answers.

Sighs. They're not suppose to be here yet. The guest house is not even ready! I hear Jacob think.

"Come on in guys. Are you guys hungry?" Esme asks them. As we all walk back into the house.

"Starving." They both reply.

4 Hours Later

"I'm really sorry about this Carlisle. I-"

"Cut it out Jacob. You all are basically family. It won't take long to fix up the guest house. You guys can stay here, till then." Carlisle tells him.

"In who's room by chance?" Rosalie asks, raising her hand up. Carlisle shoots her a look, and she puts her hand down.

"I already have some great ideas for the interior." Esme says smiling.

"I'll have to register you guys in for school also. I'll tell them that you guys are family friends, that came to live with us." Carlisle says, standing by the entrance to the kitchen.

"Sorry we came unannounced guys. It was just to much." Leah apologies.

"It even felt illegal coming here. When Leah was driving over, a man stopped us at he entrance of the town and asked who we're here to see. Looked over our ID and everything. We showed him the information you gave us and he allowed is to pass. Felt like we had crossed a border into a whole new place."

"They're very protective of their town." Carlisle says.

A little suspicious. I hear Jasper say and I glance at him, our eyes making four.

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