Chapter 24

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Aro's Pov contin

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Aro's Pov contin.

"Work with the Cullens!!!"

"Master Aro. How can we work alongside them." Jane says.

"You heard what the wise one said. The Elementress we are looking for, just so happens to be Carlisle's mate."

Seems putting differences aside is necessary. Caius on the other hand, has been berserk ever since I revealed what the Wise One meant.

"I will not work with them!!"

I sat in the single chair, in the living room of our hotel suite. Caius pacing up and down the very classy floor. If he continues, he'll ruin the good carpet.

I look over to Jane and the others. Each taking a corner of the room to themselves. I assigned Corin and Heather to remain back in Volterra with Athendora. Truly when all this is over, I will have to change the human. Marcus sat at the dinning table, watching Caius' antics with tired eyes.

If he is to come to knowledge of the truth of Didyme's death,I know all to well those tired eyes would be filled with hatred.

Do I regret it? No. He would of left the coven if I didn't. However I can only hope that maybe one day, he can have someone like that again.

"Caius sit down. Your pacing is giving me a headache I can't have." I tell him. We already have this whole situation to deal with, and now that word is spreading that Sulpicia has died, and that someone attacked the Volturi castle, many are talking.

"Aro, you cannot truly be thinking to work alongside them!"

"Caius with everything going on right now, I would think you'd be a little more lenient. The Elementress is the person we need to defeat this war. In more kinder words...suck it up." Marcus dryly tells him. A small chuckle leaves my mouth. However if looks could kill as the humans say, Marcus would be ash.

"Jane dear have you heard any word from Demetri?"

"Yes master. They arrived in Darlington yesterday. He spoke to a few of our trusted men, it seems that the Fairy king has teamed up with The Fai king."

"Of course he would. I wonder if he got the same option like us." Marcus says.
"Exactly which species is he targeting? We know that vampires are with them."

"There's more to the story than you think, Master Aro. Sometimes enemies scheme plans,just for their own enjoyment. "
I hear the Wise One's voice in my ear.

What could that possibly mean? What could they be planning that they would find enjoyable?

"As well as Els. Now fais are on his side." Caius adds, bringing me out of my thought.

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