Chapter 16

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Anderson Pov

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Anderson Pov

"Gastron! Pleasure meeting you. Darcel has told me a lot about you." I greet the El prince, as he and Darcel enter my office after Fred. He comes to stand of my left side, keeping a firm eye on our two guests.

"Who are you?"

"No need to be so on guard Gastron. I'm a friend. Anderson Willows. King of Faitoria." I walk in front of my desk.

"Since when did you know the King of Fais Darcel?" He asks, turning to look at her.

"Gastorn please. I met him recently. "

"Okay and why are we here?" He says turning his gaze back to me.

"He has a plan to go up against humans." I feel myself become irritated but I keep my face neutral.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"Now Gastron, we just met. How can I reveal to you my full plan. You betrayed your own family and killed your own niece. There not much trust one can give to you." His face hardens, and I smirk.

"My ex wife, poisoned my brother's child."

"But you defended her. You even got banished because of her. Is there no hatred at all in your heart for what they did to you?"

"Hatred? I'm happy I'm no longer being suffocated by the royal demands that come with being prince. I can go where I want, do what I want, love who I want. And I'm being honest with you Anderson Willows, King of Fais. Do you really think you would be able to go up against humans and succeed? Is starting literally world sar necessary?"

"Gastron!" Darcel shouts at him. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Don't Gastron me Darcel. Okay so your jealous of Marianna. I get it. You wanted help to find her kid. I'm helping you. Now you're teaming up with this so call King, with his whole conquer the world plan, are you serious?!"

Holding up my hand to stop Fredrick from advancing him.

"You know what are a coward. Your wife had more balls than you." She tells him.
"She already had to settle with being just a princess, when in reality she was meant to be queen. You put on this whole show in the dinning room back at the castle as if your oh so powerful, when in reality you are scared of your younger brother-"

"Scared?! I am no where near scared of my brother  as you are of him. Now I don't know what sort of crazy you are on, but I definitely don't want to take over the world." He tells her, glancing at me.
"Be very careful who you partner with Darcel. You might just end up getting yourself killed." He says walking out the door.

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