Chapter 27

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Carlisle's Pov

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Carlisle's Pov

We watch as the famous red capes break through the trees, from on the porch. They come to a halt a little distance from the house.

John and Wilma had given notice to their guards of visitors coming to town. Seeing as their would of been no other way they would of been able to enter without permission, or proof of relation to someone in town.

"Carlisle ole friend. It's been a while."

"It has Aro." Gwen shuffles more to my side, so I place my hand on the small of her back, to give her a sense of comfort.

"I'm sure you are all aware of the reason why we are here." He says,his eyes scanning everyone.
"Young Bella. Immortality takes you well. And how is precious Renessmae?" He looks for her, but we had Jewel and the others remain inside.

"She's well." Edward answers.

"Fantastic." He says with enthusiasm, clapping his hands together.

"It seems your coven continues to grow Carlisle. One would think you're trying to surpass us." Caius says.

"Brother." Aro turns to him. He glares back at him, but remains quiet.

"I'm aware that a lot has happened recently. We do have much to talk about Ms. Bene..."Aro's words trail off, his gaze locking on something behind us.

"No way. Jewel is his mate." Edward says. Gwen looks up to me shock. The faces of everyone else mirroring hers as well.

"How didn't I see it?" Alice says, going inside to a confused Jewel.

"May I meet her?" He asks looking in her direction, with wonder.

"It's up to Jewel if she chooses to meet you." Gwen tells him.

"How-" Aro hold up his hand, silencing Caius with a stern look.

I look behind me, watching as Alice quickly explains to Jewel what is going on. She eventually walks forward, watching Aro with calculating eyes.

Aro twitches in anticipation to come to her, but stays where he is.

"Psst Carlisle." I look down to her. Her eyes not leaving Aro's.
"He won't eat me right? They're not vegetarian like you guys."

Chuckling at her words I reassure her.
"Aro won't hurt you Jewel." She looks up to me, before looking at Gwen.

"He a human eating vampire." She whispers, into her ear.

"I know. But Carlisle said he won't hurt you." She whispers back. I couldn't help but smile at the two. I'm not sure if they were aware, but we could still clearly hear them, and they weren't whispering softly.

"And we can trust Carlisle." Jewel says.
"Not so much Edward. He causes stuff."


They have a silent conversation one last time with their eyes, before she nods and begins to walk towards him.

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