Chapter 38

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3rd Person Pov

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3rd Person Pov

The roads of the Scared Tree, littered with men and women fighting.

Others trying to help the innocent get to safety.

Gwen sends four men flying away from her, just as she catches eye of Henry and Jewel, standing a far off from the crowd.

"Guys!!!" Gwen shouts happily. But the evil smile that appears on Jewel's face, causes her to stop in her tracks.

Henry takes off running towards her, Jewel remaining there, before running in the direction of Aro.

Two men run to her again, and she uses her air element to blow them away, just as Henry jumps forward, snarling. Tackling her to the ground.

She raises her hand up to his punches, but he was so strong.

"It's me Henry!!"

He snarls at her again, looking to hit her again, but Emmett jumps on him. The two rolling away from them.

They wrestle against with each other, Henry getting some hits in on Emmett and Emmett trying to stop him.

"Don't hurt him Emmett!" She shouts, getting back up.

Henry snarls at him, before using both feet to kick him off him, sending him flying.

He quickly gets up, trying to go to Gwen again, but Jasper tackles him. Both him and Edward holding him down.

"Love are you okay?" Carlisle asks, helping her up.

She couldn't take her eyes off Henry.

He looked nothing like the Henry she knows. What lied before them was the shell of Bernard's creation.

More men and women arrive and she looks from them to Henry.

I have to end this.
She thought.

She thought

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Aro's Pov

Fighting my way through men, Jewel pushing some out of her way. We finally reach each other.

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