Chapter 15

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Amun's Pov

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Amun's Pov

"Amun-" I look up from my desk to Kedi, as she enters my office.

"We're all ready to go." I nod, getting up from my seat.

"I was thinking-" A faint white light, suddenly appears in the middle of the room.

"Amun?" A familiar voice comes from it.

"H-Honey?!" I couldn't believe this. She's alive.

"Amun...I can't talk long." She sounded weak.
"Anderson is looking for Darla. He's planning something, I'm not sure what. You have to protect her. Please keep her safe." The light flickers, before completely disappearing.

So that fool is the one who had her the entire time.

"Should we call Darla?" Kedi asks.

"No. Let's wait till we get there. We don't need her worrying over this when we're not there."

"Well let's get going." Benjamin says, standing in the doorway with Tia right behind him.

" Benjamin says, standing in the doorway with Tia right behind him

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Gwen's Pov


I stood in a white corridor. Two doors in front of me. One with Henry's name on it and the other with Aiden's name on it. Walking into Aiden's room, I see him lying down, connected to a bunch of wires. The heart monitor beeping loudly  in the room.

Walking over to him, i gasp at how pale he looked. The heart monitor suddenly begins to flat line, and my heart freezes in fear.

"Aiden baby!! Aiden- Carlisle!!" I shout,  starting to do CPR. But it just kept flat lining.
"Aidie baby please. Breathe for mommy. Please baby please."

A bright light suddenly fills the room and I open my eyes to find myself standing in the corridor again. But this time only Henry's remained.

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