Chapter 17

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Edward Pov

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Edward Pov

"Whenever Alice looks into Gwen's future, she would always see her happily standing in a field of flowers. That was all she saw. Nothing else, nothing more. But now that field of flowers is dead, and her eyes glowing purple, but it's not the same purple we saw that day. and not like the purple we saw the last time. There was something completely different about her. She didn't look like Gwen."

"What could this possibly mean?" Leah asks.

"When we had the family dinner a few days ago. I caught Gwen watching everyone, but with her emotions she was worried, but it also felt like she was on guard." Jasper tells us.

"Could it be that something happened, and she didn't tell us?" Rosalie says.

"I'm not su-"

A phone begins to ring, and we all look to Rosalie.

"Ms. D?....We're doing well......Oh sure...Well Carlisle is not back yet....Okay we'll be right over." She says hanging up.
"Ms. D made some Apple pie. She's inviting us to come over."

"Should we tell her about what you saw?" Seth asks.

"Let's talk to Carlisle first. Then we'll know what to do." Luis answers.

Aro's Pov

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Aro's Pov

"Felix!! Bring the prisoner!"

After leaving Forks, we have been somewhat peaceable with the Cullens...for now.

There has been a recent rise of vampires, working for an unknown source, we have been investigating the cause for a few months now.

"Do you really believe someone will be that foolish to go against us brother?" Caius asks Marcus.

"Foolish is not the word I will use Caius. These past few months we have been investigating these disappearances and they all have a similar trait. Someone is planning something and it's not something small brother." I turn to look at him, his eyes holding no emotion as always.

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