Chapter 42

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Two months later

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Two months later

I stood near the back door, watching everyone outside with a small smile on my face.

Ness stood near Jacob talking with him, while Edward kept a sharp eye on the two.

Ness looks almost full grown now, and poor Edward is having fits, because she's crushing very hard on Jacob.

Pray for him.

"Deja Vu. I'll say." I jump a little, turning around to see Jasper, standing there.

"Stop doing that." I hit him, and he laughs.

"Let me take it." He says, reaching for the bowl of watermelon in my hand.

"No I got it." He nods.

"You okay?" I smile, nodding.

"I am."

"Well...Shall we ma'am?" He gestures towards outside. I giggle, curtsying to him.

"Thank you kind sir." I walk out side, the both of us laughing.

Alice runs to him, pulling him over to the pool, with the others.

It's not a big pool. I bought one of those inflatable ones, for Aiden for his birthday, since we didn't get to celebrate it last year.

Carlisle comes over to me, trying to take the bowl from my hands. I try telling him it's okay, but he insists.

Shaking my head, I follow after him, to the table.

"Mommy! Daddy! Watch me!!" We both look over to our son.

Our son.
Arg! I could cry.

He makes sure, we're watching first before swimming across the pool. When he's done, he looks over at us, smiling brightly.

He's so cute!

"That was amazing Aidie." Carlisle says and it makes the cutey smile more.

I look up at him, my heart warming.
"You're a great father." His eyes widen a little, before softening.

"Thank you love." I smile.

Mary's cute laugh fills my ears, and I look back at the two playing.


I glance to Fredrick who stood far off, keeping eye on the girl, before continuing to the table.

You see Fredrick had three choices.
1. Go with the Volturi,
2. stay with Steven, or 3. come with Carlisle and us.

In which he choose the latter.

Plus Mary is basically his responsibility now, and it didn't help that the little girl did not want to be away from him, but also wanted to stay with Aiden.

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