Chapter 7

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Carlisle's Pov
Next Day

After discussing all of last night regarding Ms. D, we have come to the conclusion that she maybe a Fai. Luis says that maybe the only way, seeing as there are cooking Fais who have to power to make anyone We'll have to figure out how to approach her regarding this.

I drive into the car park of the hospital, the guard cautioning me over to the reserved spot they had labeled for me. Alice and Rosalie had me searching and planning all night as well for the best date idea for Gwen.

I'm lucky we don't require sleep because I would most definitely have bags under my eyes.

Walking into Jashville Medical,I take in the classy interior of the place. Jashville continues to exceed my expectations.
I start scanning the area, looking for the Chief, who by the way is supposed to meet me here in the lobby. My eyes finally catch sight of a middle age man, waving at me as he comes over.

JashVille Medical

JashVille Medical

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"Hello Dr. Cullen, so sorry for being late. I am David Gilmore, Chief of Surgery. It is a pleasure having such an extemed doctor here with us at Jashville Medical." He introduces upon reaching me,his hand extended.

"The pleasure is mines Mr. Gilmore." I reply, shaking his hand. He leads the way through the lobby, stopping every now and again to make brief introductions to the doctors and nurses we passed.

"Here at J.M our priority is to make sure our patients have the utmost care. We have recently been in the process of upgrading most of our departments, thanks to the generous donations from our leading families. Our greatest achievement being our new Cardiology ward." He says as we walk towards the elevator.
"You were spoken of very highly by your previous Chief. The best doctor he ever had. He said as the youth say it, you know your stuff." I chuckle at his joke.

"Well..when you love what you do, you do it well."

"Absolutely right." He agrees.

When we finally arrived at his office, we meet a woman already there waiting.

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