Chapter 1: Fairy Tail

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Jin Pov

Year: X784

Jin: Sighs...

I was now walking since the sunrise this morning. With my bag on my shoulder, I was walking on the main road in direction of Magnolia Town. The city where is situated the famous guild of Fairy Tail... in other words... my home.

After a moment I finally see it from far away...the famous Town of Magnolia.

the famous Town of Magnolia

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Jin: This view...I haven't seen it for a while...

As I was looking at the town from far away I heard people chatting when they were walking next to me...

Man: Hey did you see her earlier?

Man: Oh the girl with the giant horn?

Jin: Giant horn?

Man: This town is really something else haha!

Then the two men continue their way... I was kinda curious about this story of horn but my priority was to go back to the guild. 

I then continued to walk on the main road when I finally enter in the town of Magnolia.  

I immediately noticed how much this town was lively as always. A lot of people were walking in the street and were enjoying their life. 

I continued to walk until I pass in front of the church of Magnolia. As I was walking some people recognized me and greet me.

Then until I heard...

???: Ohhh! Is that you Jin?!

I then turn around to see an old man sitting at a table in front of a bar...When he clearly see my face he just start smiling

???: It's really you Jin! Whoa, where you had been?

The old man was the owner of the bar of Magnolia. When I'm around, I usually go there to go drink...

Jin: Hey chief! I just came back from a long quest!

Chief: Haha I see I see! I thought that I was going to go bankrupt without you around haha!

I just smile hearing this...

Jin: Then I would feel bad to not come around soon Cheif haha!

Cheif: That's great to hear haha! I reserve my best bottle for you Jin!

Jin: You're the best as always chief!

Cheif: Then I will not bother you longer... I suppose that you have somewhere to go after having been gone for such a long time.

Jin: Hahaha...

I then turn my head and start looking at the building at the end of the town...

Jin: You're right...

The white-haired Mage (Fairy Tail X OC) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now