Chapter 12: Phantom Lord

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Third-person Pov:

At the entrance of the town of Magnolia, a group of people was currently walking. 

A boy with pink hair, another boy with black hair, a girl with blond hair, another girl with red hair, a blue cat and a man with white hair...

It was Natsu and his group...

Natsu: AHH That was a great job!

Natsu who was walking in front of the group said this out loud proud of the results of the quest...Happy who was flying next to him answered...

Happy: And it looks like the client really appreciated it!

Gray: Well, we finished it up real quick since I was there...

Jin: HUUUH?!

Jin who was lying down on Erza's luggage starts looking at Gray after what he just said...

Jin: You kidding me?! If I weren't there to take care of all of you, it would have ended worst and Gramps would have problems again because of you!

Erza: HUUUH?!

This time it was Erza, who was currently dragging her luggage plus Jin on top of it, who got annoyed...

Erza: Remember who destroyed that building, Jin?

Jin: Hoi it was a necessary to delay the enemy that Natsu let go...

Natsu: HUUUH?!

Natsu who was still walking ahead of the group just turned around and start pointing over Gray...

Natsu: HOI Jin it was Gray who got in my way before I could beat the enemy!

Gray: HUUUH?!

And Gray finally got annoyed as well... they all started arguing while Lucy and Happy were looking at them from a certain distance, scared to be taken part in this...

Lucy: W-Why are they all arguing? In the end, it is my quest...

Happy: They just always like that...

They continued to watch them arguing until...

Gray: You were just an extra baggage for this Job!

Natsu:  How about I teach you what kind of extra baggage I am?

They then headbutt each other and start looking at each other annoyed...

Gray: That makes no sense at all!


Erza came behind and gave them both a punch behind the head...

Erza: Settle down!

Erza then starts looking at Gray...

Erza: Gray put on some clothes!

Gray then starts looking at himself to notice that he was indeed naked...

Gray: WHAAAT!!

Erza then turn around and look at Jin, who was still lying on her luggage...

Erza: And you Jin! Get down of my luggage and walk!

Jin: argg...

Jin stop looking at them and just completely lay down on his back and start looking at the sky

Jin: I'm too tired after this mission... I used way too much of my magic and I had to carry Lucy to save her...she's quite heavy


Lucy who was surprised and angry started looking at Jin annoyed...Jin just get on his stomach and start looking at Lucy with his usual carefree attitude...

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