Chapter 24: Battle of Fairy Tail

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Third-person Pov:

In the town of Magnolia, all the residents were currently decorating the town to make it more festive. Also more and more visitor was coming into town.

The reason for all this? Well like every year at the start of October, it was time for the Harvest Festival. Like every year it was hosted by Fairy Tail.

Makarov: The whole town is in the mood for a festival!

Mirajane: It sure is!

Master Makarov and Mirajane were currently walking in the city going back to the guild while admiring the mood of everyone for the festival.

Mirajane: And it's nice to see everyone preparing for Fantasia!

Makarov: Only natural since it's Fairy Tail's big parade. One that's famous continent-wide!

Mirajane: It'd be nice if Laxus joined in huh? 

Makarov: Don't even talk about him!

Mirajane: But according to Levy he's already returned to town

Makarov: What?!?!

With a suspired face, he started looking at Mirajane...

Mirajane: What's wrong Master?

Makarov: ...

He just started looking at the ground...

Makarov: It had to be now didn't it?


???: Grandpa! Grandpa!!

???: H-Hey wait...

A young boy with yellow hair was currently running toward a certain old man... Another young boy with white hair was currently trying to catch up with the other boy with yellow hair.

Makarov: Hm? Laxus? Jin?

The two young kids were Laxus and Jin. 

Laxus: Grandpa aren't you going to take part in Fantasia?

Laxus asked this question to his grandpa when Jin finally caught up with him but arriving there he was more curious about the huge crowd that was in front of him.

Makarov: I already told you Laxus... since it's the first Fantasia for Jin I promised to watch it with both of you!

Hearing this Laxus just walked to Jin, who was captive by the crowd, and put his arm around his shoulder.

Laxus: That's right!!! I didn't stop telling Jin how it was incredible!! Right, Jin?

Jin:'s true that I'm really curious about it...

Hearing this Makarov just smiled... Jin was a young orphan that he found earlier this year. Seeing this young boy happy in contrary when he found him was something that Makarov cherished.

Laxus: Ahhhh but I want to get Fairy Tail as soon as can!!! 

Jin: Fairy Tail seems pretty amazing...

Seeing their impatient to join the guild Makarov just smiled

Makarov: It's still a bit too soon for both of you!

Then suddenly the crowd in front of them started to talk louder and cheer for something...but since it was mostly all adults in front of them...

Laxus: I can't see!!!!!

Jin: There are soo many people gathered in one place...

Makarov: All right then...

Laxus\Jin: Huh?

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