Chapter 7: S-Class Quest

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Third-person Pov

The day after that Jin went to the closest Magic Council building to get out Natsu and Erza from jail...

Natsu: Ah, the sweet smell of freedom!!

Natsu who was at a table was celebrating his freedom...

Jin: Arg... I went there only to spend a night in jail...

Jin, who was sitting at a table close to Natsu, was leaning his head against the table in a depressive mood.

Natsu: HAHAHA Jin don't act like that! Enjoy your freedom!!

Jin: huh?!

Jin then starts looking at Natsu with an annoyed face...

Jin: It's because of you Natsu! If only you would have listened to me nothing would have happened!

Both Natsu and Jin start arguing when the other Fairy Tail members were just looking at them...

Lucy: Sighs... they both seem to have energy for two people who spend their night in jail...

She then turn his head to look at the others person who was sitting at her table...

Lucy: But I can't believe that arrest was just a formality... I wasted my time worrying...

Lucy then turns his head to look at Jin again who just sent flying Natsu across the guild hall...

Lucy: But now the behavior of Jin yesterday makes more sense...he probably knew what going on...

Jin who just send Natsu flying across the guild hall just turn around and start walking towards the bar where Makarov and Mirajane were...

Jin: Sighs... I need a drink...

Natsu then immediately gets up after been send away by Jin's punch...

Natsu: Let's Fight Ji...

Natsu stopped what he was saying as if he remember something... He then start looking at Erza who was sitting at another table further...

Natsu: I was about to forget it! Erza let's continue our fight!

Without looking at him... Erza with her eyes close answered...

Erza: No... I'm tied.

Natsu ignoring the answer of Erza just start running towards her with his fist inited in fire...

Natsu: Here I come!!!

Erza: Sigh...

As soon as Natsu was close enough... Erza just gets up and gave a punch to Natsu in the abdomen

Natsu: Arg...

With only one punch Erza knocked out Natsu who just fall on the floor unconscious...

Everyone seeing this was just shocked...

Erza: As you wish Natsu... Shall we begin?

Happy: It's over! 

Then everyone starts laughing seeing Natsu get beaten with only one hit...

Gray: Hahaha that's lame, Natsu!

Elfman: Hahaha Erza's strong, that's for sure!

Mirajane and Jin who were looking at them were just smiling... Until both of them noticed something...

Makarov: hrmm...

Mirajane: What's wrong master?

Jin: ...

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