Chapter 4: Fairies in the Wind

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Third-person Pov

Gray: Work together?! You've got to be kidding me!

Natsu: Fire and ice don't help each other! No way!

Around the same time that Erza, Jin, Lucy, and Happy beat the members of Eisenwald in the hall of the train station. Gray and Natsu were still running trying to catch up with Erigor to prevent him to use Lullaby.

And as always... they were arguing...

Gray: Man, Erza just does whatever she wants!

Natsu: She decides everything herself, no questions asked!

They both suddenly stop running and start looking at each other...

Gray\Natsu: I can handle this Erigor person perfectly fine by myself!

They immediate start headbutting each other

Gray\Natsu: Hey, don't copy me!

They finally separated themself and start looking in front of them to only see that the way was divided into two ways...

Natsu: Witch way?

Gray: Perhaps we should split up

Gray then starts walking towards the left way while Natsu the right one... They stop walking a moment before running again to find Erigor...

Gray: Natsu...

Natsu just turns around to look at the back of Gray...

Gray: We're up against someone who's trying to let loose some seriously dangerous magic here

Then Gray turn around with his fist closed to look at Natsu

Gray: if you find him, give him a thrashing!

Natsu: And not only that, he picked a fight with Fairy Tail. What an idiot!

Natsu then raised his closed fist to show that he was ready for any fight...

Natsu: I'll burn him to a smoldering crisp!

They were both looking at each other while smiling confidently until they both realized this and turn back to each other while crossing their arms...

Even if both of them were making a face Gray suddenly mumble...

Gray: Don't you die on me...

Natsu: What?

Natsu who didn't hear just has a puzzled expression...

Gray: Nothing!

Gray just starts running in the left way while leaving Natsu behind...

He continued to run for a moment until he noticed a loudspeaker.

Gray: Wait... if he was planning on broadcasting the Lullaby...his destination should be...

Gray then starts running again until he arrives in front of a door written on it... Studio

He kick the door that shattered on the spot and entered the room...

Gray: Not here...

He then enters the room and starts looking around...

Gray: So then he isn't planning on broadcasting it?

But while he was looking around, a man with a yellow and black cloak was coming down from the ceiling behind Gray.

The man just looks at Gray who didn't notice it to just lunch a surprise attack of black bands.

The white-haired Mage (Fairy Tail X OC) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now