Chapter 16: Resolve

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Jin Pov:

Jin: Ahhh gramps really went all out huh... Fairy Law...

This bright light that just hit the Phantom guild was the spell Fairy Law... Powerful magic that targets only the enemy without any way to counter it...

I  heard about this from Gramps himself and I read some information about it in a book of the archives of the guild...

Jin: With this, it's the end...

I left when Gramps arrived before I needed to use more of my void magic to finish Jose myself...

I was now on the top of the rift close to the forest where I could have a large view of Magnolia...

Jin: Sighs... but with all this, our guild is completely destroyed...

I then saw people start to gather in front of the guild...well what was reaming of it...

It was Gramps with the other Fairy Tail members...

I start looking for one specific member... a blond girl... I looked at the crowd until I saw her in the middle of it...

Jin: So you did it Natsu...

I then just sit on the ground seeing that everything ended perfectly fine... After all, I left Natsu to go save Lucy from Gajeel when he left earlier when I was about to fight Jose...

Jin: So you beat Gajeel huh?

I just started looking at Natsu with Happy on his head... and I couldn't help to smile...

???: So you made it in time...

Without looking behind me where the voice was coming from I just continued to look at them while Gramps seemed to talk to the whole group...

Jin: It's you who's late Mysto...

I know it was him without needing to look at him... He just walked next to me and dropped something in front of me...

It was some Phantom Lord flags...

Mystogan: Indeed it took me more time than planned...

There were at least 7 flags in pieces... He must have destroyed every QG they had on the way...

Jin: I see...

He stayed next to me while both of us were looking at the crowd... Gramps was in the middle of it and seemed to give a speech until...

 Gramps was in the middle of it and seemed to give a speech until

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From a certain distance, we could see Lucy start crying...

Without even being there to hear what he just said...I knew it... That Gramps finds the right words to say to her...

Mystogan: So that's Lucy Heartfilia...For his father went this far to get her back...

Jin: Yeah I know...that's terrible...

The white-haired Mage (Fairy Tail X OC) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now