Chapter 5: The strongest team

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Erza Pov

As I was driving the magic vehicle I suddenly lost control of it for a second...

Gray: Erza!!!

Gray who was inside the vehicle shouted my name worried...

Erza: Sorry, I'm all right...

As I said this I started to have some difficulty breathing...

Erza: My sight is getting blurry... Did I consume too much magic power?

We managed to get out of the Wall of Wind because of one of Lucy Celestial's spirits. But as soon we got out we lost sight of Natsu and Happy...and worst...

We still haven't seen or known where Jin went since I left him earlier. He was supposed to go find Lucy and Happy but none of them saw him. Does he understand the plan of Erigor and went chasing him before being trapped in the spell Wall of Wind

Erza: But for now... Natsu went to Erigor so he must stop him! I'm continuing on you to hold him up until we get there! Because if we can't stop him... All of the masters in this meeting will die!




Jin Pov

Jin: Sighs...

I was currently falling into the rift because a boy with pink hair and a blue cat ran into me and Erigor just before I could hit him to end all this...

Jin: I'm falling really fast... landing on my feet is just impossible without any injuries... Using my Katana to slow down my fall is a no too... It will just break the Katana at this speed if I stuck it in the rock...

I was starting to see the bottom of the rift...

Jin: Tsk... my legs, the Katana or my pride? The first one is a no... I don't want to break my legs... well it could give me some vacation to have my legs broken but it will be boring to not walk so this option is a no... I don't want to piss off Erza by breaking this new Katana so this option is a no too... so there is only this option left huh...

Suddenly my free hand started to have some black mist around it... I extend my arm towards a spike of rock that was in the rift... I then increase my magic power and...

Jin: !!!

An explosion happened on the impact of the spell that I had just lunch... The blast of the explosion slowed down my fall a bit and was blown behind. Now that I was not too far from the ground and wasn't falling at a high speed I just used Kusho Steps to land correctly on my feet at the bottom of the rift...

Jin: ...

I then start looking at my right hand... the one that I used for this spell...

Jin: Sighs... always so annoying using this type of spell...

I then raise my head and start looking up at the train tracks...where I was fighting Erigor before being interrupted.

Jin: Yeah I really fall from high... Getting up there could be easy with Kusho steps but using this spell that much to just get up there will cost a lot of my magic power...Do I still use it or do I just use the good old way and climb up there?

As I was thinking about all this I suddenly feel some magic power increase suddenly from up there...

Jin: ...

Third Pov

Erigor: I underestimated your abilities a bit... Let's fight seriously now!

After that Natsu ran into Jin and Erigor, and he started to fight with Erigor thinking that he did something to Jin. Erigor was glad that he was saved because he was about to lose against Jin without even having the chance to use his trump card... 

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