Chapter 19: Jellal

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Third-person Pov:

Everyone: ...

Jin and the others stay silent after hearing about Erza's tragic past. Knowing what her friend had been through... After wanting freedom soo much, she ended up in another type of jail in her heart.

Erza: That's why...I ...I...

She then started looking at the group again...and again she was crying...

Erza: I want to stop Jellal!

Lucy: Erza...

Gray\Jin\Juvia: ...

They stayed silent while looking at her friend...

Gray: Erza pain was that huh... but wait...the Zeref she talked about...

Gray was about to ask something, but Jin next to him spoke up first...

Jin: Erza...

They all started looking at Jin and Erza just wiped her tear...

Jin: This Jellal... do he look exactly like Siegrain of the Magic council?

Erza: !!!!

Gray: Huh?

Lucy, Juvia and Gray didn't seem to understand, but Erza reacted to Jin's question...she wasn't expecting this.

Erza: I see...that's right you have been to Era... So you probably met him there...

She started looking at the floor to avoid Jin and the other's gaze until she just nodded and started looking Jin directly in the eyes...

Erza: When I met Siegrain, I was shocked as well...I thought it was Jellal...but it ended up being his twin's brother... it was the brother of the Jelall I knew...

Jin: A twin brother...

Jin then put his hand on his chin and seemed to think a lot...


Everyone: !!!

Everyone was surprised to see Jin sitting down cross-legged on the floor while closing his eyes...

Lucy: Huh Jin...?

Jin: ...

Lucy just called Jin, but he didn't answer anything...

Gray: Sighs...

Gray just sighed and ignored Jin's action...even if he didn't understand what Jin was doing, he didn't ask anything... he knew what Jin was doing had a purpose behind it... He know Jin since he is a kid after all.

Gray: Then Erza... you talked about Zeref earlier?

Still, with the name Zeref stuck in his mind...Gray finally asked this question to Erza.

Erza then explains that it was the same Zeref who created the Lullaby flute that the group faced a few months ago, and the same mage who created the devil named Deliora, the same monster who caused the tragic past of Gray.

Face to this revelation, the group started to wonder why Jellal would want to receive this old mage Zeref with the power of the Tower of Heaven...But sadly, Erza doesn't have the answer to this... The real motivation of her old friend, Jellal.

But for Lucy, it wasn't the motivation of Jellal that was bothering was the attitude of Erza's other friends as Sho, Simon etc...Why these guys were blaming Erza for all that happening.

Erza: That's enough Lucy. If I can just take care of Jellal, it'll all be over...

Gray: Is that really so?

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