Chapter 8: Eternal Magic

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Jin Pov:

I was currently on the boat of the Fisherman and his son. We left the port earlier, and we're now almost halfway to Gulana Island.

I then looked at the horizon and saw the sun rising.

Jin: Erza should already be on the Island around this time... It just remains to know if the three others idiots are okay...

As I looked at the Island, I heard someone walking towards me...I turned my head and saw that it was the son of the Fisherman.

Son: Hey, are you going to be able to save the girl who saved us earlier?

He was talking about Erza... from the story that the Fisherman told me, it seems that Erza stopped the pirated who was about to steal the Fisherman and his son...I told them she was in danger, but it was mostly a lie. 

Jin: You saw how she was strong earlier right? 

He just nodded at me with sparks in his eyes...

Son: Yeah, she rushed at the pirates, and a sword appeared and she slash and slash!!

He then starts imitating her by pretending to give some sword stroke.

While looking at this, I just start smiling until I just put my hand on his hair and start ruffling his hair a little...

Jin: Don't worry... she's strong. She is a good friend of mine. I just go there as backup!

He starts looking at me, intrigued...

Son: Then, are you also a mage?

With a smile, I just nodded...I then extend my hand and start creating some blue flame in it.

Son: Whoaaaa!!!!!

The little kid was just looking at the fire in my hand until...

Fisherman: Okay that's the best I can go sir... sorry, but you need to understand...

I then turn my head to look at the distance between the Island and me...

Jin: Yeah that should be fine...

I just get up and start looking around...

Son: But how will you reach the Island? You can't swim there... the sea is way too rough!

Fisherman: He's right... I know you want to help your friend but still...

I was listing to them until I found two wooden boards...Seeing this I smirk...

Jin: don't worry...if you give me these, I will be fine...

I just point at the wooden boards. Seeing this he just looked at me puzzled...

Fisherman: Well sure, I don't mind but still...why?

I immediately took them and walked to the boat's bow and turned around to start looking at the old man and his son...

Jin: Thanks for the ride, old man! Be careful you two!

Without they could answer anything, I just started looking at the Island and using Kusho Steps.

I immediately appeared further away on top of the sea but still far away from the Island. 

Before falling, I use one of the two wooden boards I have in my hands and put it below my feet...

Jin: Kusho Steps!

I reappeared again further away but still hadn't reached the Island and was still on top of the sea...I then quickly drop the last wooden boards under my feet to land on them...

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