Chapter 1

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"The Shadow man is gone, for now, so they shouldn't sense us entering Velaris," Inej told the two faes standing next to her just outside the barrier for Velaris. 

"Patience wraith," Loki said, looking at the pocket watch in her hand. 

They waited for a few minutes, Inej and Nina growing antsier as the seconds ticked by. 

"What are we waiting for, Loki?" Nina spat, her boredom clear.

Loki didn't answer, only putting the watch back into the pocket of her black trenchcoat. 

"Now." She said casually walking across the border towards the city of Velaris. 

"What was that for? Why'd we have to wait." Nina asked.

"Well Nina dear, the barrier can sense someone's intentions and reason for coming. As we are technically here on business and we don't plan on killing anyone yet, it let us through. At this exact moment on the other side of Velaris, a caravan of merchants, also here on business, is arriving as they do every week at this time. The High lord can sense people entering Velaris, but only knows where they are if they are a threat... So?"

"He senses us, and thinks we are part of the merchant caravan." Inej finished Loki's thought. Once again impressed by the girls planning. 

Loki gave a nod of confirmation, continuing towards the main city. 

As they entered the beautiful city of starlight, they tried to look casual as they could. They hid their crow tattoos underneath long sleeves and placed a glamour meant to ensure people would not pay attention to them. 

They didn't speak until they made it to the base of an enormous staircase. 

"Inej... Do your shadows sense anyone in that house up there?" Loki asked. 

"No. The house is empty besides two maids." Inej responded after a moment. 

"Think you can fly us up there?" Loki looked to Inej as she nodded her head, dropping the glamour on her Illyrian wings.

"No! I hate flying! I'm scared of heights!" Nina cried in horror backing away from the smirking Inej.

"Trust me," Loki said calmly, as she grabbed Nina's wrist.

"I wouldn't trust you to tie my shoes without stealing the laces, Loki!" Inej laughed at Nina's accurate statement. Loki rolled her eyes nodding to Inej in command. 

Inej grabbed both girls and took off into the sky. Loki raised her hand slicing the spell that kept unwanted guests from entering. Nina tried to subdue her screams as she held Inej in a death grip before finally arriving on the landing into the house. 

"Oh sweet, sweet solid ground! Oh, how I've missed you." Nina sang dramatically as Inej and Loki shook their heads in amusement. They pulled the black hoods onto their heads as they all crept through the shadows following Loki's lead. 

They came across the two maids and Nina expertly put them to sleep. 

Nina had a type of healing magic. She had the ability to not only manually force your body to heal, but she could control the chemicals in one's brain. She could force emotion or she could inflict sleep on her victims. A terribly useful skill to a group of criminals. 

They stepped into an office and on a shelf at the far wall they saw a locked box. 

Without hesitation Loki picked the lock in seconds, pulling out the book, before once again locking the box. 

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