Chapter 40

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Mor's POV*

Mor watched as recognition shone in Keir's eyes. He knew the name Loki Brekker and from the sweat glistening down his face, he knew the stories too.

Loki kept her cold stone, business face in place as she observed the room. There was a certain thrill that came from terrifying people with minimal effort and Mor could not be more proud of the young mates. 

Mor was surprised at the reaction she and Nyx got when entering the room. She had been standing to the left of the thrones in her iconic red dress and saw the crowd waiver. 

Mor had seen the whole thing, from the moment they entered. She felt such extreme satisfaction in seeing her father crumble beneath his future High Lord and Lady. 

She couldn't wait to tell the Inner circle about it. 

"Go play." Nyx's voice echoed through the room. Everyone tried their best to go back to a casual atmosphere but the fear was palpable. 

Nyx took Loki's hand and lead her to sit on the throne usually reserved for Feyre, before taking a seat on Rhysand's throne himself. 

Loki sat tall, her gloved fingers rhythmically tapping on the armrest. Nyx sat in a casual recline with one leg up on the chair.

They looked completely at ease like they were two gods watching the mortals scurry around. There was a definite difference between Rhys and Feyre in the court of Nightmares and Loki and Nyx.

Feyre and Rhys always felt somewhat out of place. Like no matter how wonderful their masks were, they were still not a threat as long as you did what you were told.

Loki and Nyx gave off a completely different power. They were darkness, they were ruthless, and they were power. Loki was an evil no one knew, a danger that could not be predicted. Especially as she allowed her power, the power of a death god, to electrify the air around her. 

"Keir," Nyx called out, turning his attention to the man. 

Keir put his hands behind his back trying to hide how they shook, "Prince Nyx. I was expecting your parents. May I be the first tonight to congratulate you on your matehood." 

Keir lifted his head, only to catch Loki Brekker's cold eye and freeze. He couldn't move, all remaining color drained from the man's face as Loki looked like she was ready to devour him. 

"Keir," Loki's cold, monotone rasp cause even the Morrigan to flinch a little. She spoke as if she was testing out the name on her tongue. "I hear you are the one who's not completely useless."

"Miss Brekker. Welcome to the Night Court. We have heard many tales about you." 

"Don't waste our time with false pleasantries. It's unbecoming." Somehow Loki's tone grew colder causing many in the crowd to silence.

Keir gaped, not entirely knowing how to respond. 

"... You. fear. me." It was a statement, not a question. Loki leaned back resting her head on her fist.

Before Keir could go to protest that he was not in fact afraid of her she cut him off with a curt, "Good."

"I assume you are not here to just announce your new matehood," Keir said, trying to regain his confidence. 

"See Loki darling, I told you he wasn't completely useless... No. Xesha is preparing an attack in a few days. That is why we're here." Nyx said playfully.

"So, you need my Darkbringers?" 

"Yes. Have them meet up with the Illyrians to coordinate battle tactics by tomorrow morning." Nyx said taking a glass of champagne that was brought to him, before handing Loki her's as well.

"I have not yet agreed. Negotiations are always made for your Father's use of my soldiers. I won't just-"

Kier froze again, the whole crowd silenced as Loki's molten rage filled the space. Her power forced everyone once again onto their knees.

"The current High Lord has been far too lenient with you all. You talk as if you yourself are a High Lord, Keir... You better thank the fucking cauldron we are not yet High Lord and Lady. We could always kill you and give your position to someone more cooperative... There will be no negotiations, boy. You are members of the Night Court. So. do. as. your. fucking. told." Loki growled. 

"B-but... You have no right!" Keir growled from his place on his knees.

Loki stood from her seat moving in agonizingly slow steps towards Keir. She dug her gloved fingers into his jaw, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes turned pitch black and her voice, though nearly in a whisper, filled every corner of the room.

"We don't negotiate for what is ours... Be a good little mutt and obey your masters...We are not as forgiving as Rhysand and Feyre...Know your place, Keir."

She released his jaw walking back towards Nyx who grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Tell me, Keir. Are you going to make my day and deny Loki? Or does your life mean more to you than that?"

Mor almost laughed. 

Keir was completely outmatched. 

If he denied them, they had no problem killing him. If he accepted he would be under their thumb forever. He had no choice, even if he were to revolt against them, the couple had the power to decimate any rebellion in seconds. 

"We are honored to serve the Night Court," Keir said with a bow. 

"Good boy," Nyx taunted as he looked down his nose at Keir. "We'll see you all tomorrow then. Go, prepare your soldiers."

Nyx stood, taking Loki's hand and helping her down the stairs once more. 

"I hope we get to see more of each other, Kier," Nyx called out without turning around to look back. 

A shiver shot down Keir's spine at the realization that the power and freedom he had with Feyre and Rhysand was over. Nyx greatly resembled his Grandfather and Loki resembled her father, what a terrifying power the Night Court would have.

Mor smiled as she watched the whole scene. 

Oh, dinner tonight would be so much fun.

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