Chapter 4

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Loki sent Inej to go fetch Jack Malak the minute the crows stepped foot back in Ketterdam. It was early morning as they arrived right on schedule. 

They made their way back to the crow club each separating to their rooms to bathe and catch up on some much-needed sleep.

Loki placed the book of breathing on her bookshelf in her room. Disguising it as some boring book, history of the taxes within Prythian. She placed a glamour so strong the book's whispers would not break through, alerting anyone who entered where it was.

She didn't waste her time trying to sleep, knowing she had to meet with Jack Malak to retrieve her reward. 

Loki had an uneasy feeling. 

Her plans always ended in her favor, that was true. But this was so easy... too easy. 

There were no complications at all, no near-death experiences and that worried her. It was as if the fates had grabbed her hand and led her like a child through the task. As if the mission was only the beginning.

Loki hated feeling like a pon in some bigger play. But she couldn't help but worry.

They broke into Velaris, stole from the strongest high lord and lady, they stole the book of breathing... They walked right up to the fucking cauldron like it was a Sunday stroll!

"Too damn easy," Loki whispered to herself, hoping that it was just her paranoia talking. 

She was broken from her thoughts by a light knock at the door. 

After granting permission, Inej entered with a beaming Jack Malak close at her heels.

"You got the cash?" Loki asked, not bothering with pleasantries. 

She was tired, and not willing to deal with politeness when she had been awake for 48 hours now. 

"Y-yes... did you get it?" 

Loki held up one of the vials of liquid. "Went through a lot of trouble to nick this. I swear on my magic and the cauldron that I am giving you water from inside the cauldron."

A smile broke on Jack's face, tears filling his eyes. 

He handed Inej the bag of cash and took the vial from Loki's gloved hand. 

He left with a joyous thank you and took off to find his mate. 

"You tired?" Loki asked. 

"Not yet, caught some hours of sleep on the boat," Inej replied. 

"Good. Follow him, and see if it works. Report back to me and then you are free to go. Oh and send Alice in on your way out."

Inej disappeared into her shadows going to do as she was told. 

Loki gave the bag of cash to Alice telling her to put it in the crow vaults. 

The protocol Loki had for that much cash, was to separate it into ten parts. Each was placed in a different vault hidden throughout Ketterdam. That way they'd never be robbed blind. 

Even if by some miracle someone broke through Loki Brekker's unbreakable warding they would only get 10% of the crow assets.

Still, a major loss that would piss Loki off to no end, but not damning. 

She trusted Alice with the money. Loki had saved her when she was younger and in return, Alice took an oath of loyalty. 

Loki trusted each and every one of the crows. The tattoos on their forearms, the oath they took. If one betrayed the crows, they would immediately drop dead. When you are living in the barrel the only thing that outways greed is survival, the oaths made sure to put that knowledge to use. 

An hour into some paperwork, Loki heard another knock at her door. 


Marco walked into the office looking at Loki with that jazzed hunger, meaning one thing... some high rollers were here. 

"Got some high fae outside. They came by a week ago. They say they need your help with a job. A big important one." Marco beamed with excitement when he saw the look in Loki's eye. 

"Alright. send em in."


Feyre, Mor, and Rhysand entered back into Ketterdam a week after their last visit. 

They did as they learned a week prior from Mira but decided to wear their own clothes. Better to impress and intimidate the queen of thieves. 

They walked back towards the Crow club, seeing the same bodyguard standing at the front door.

"Hello. We are here to see Loki Brekker." Feyre told the man. 

"Why? She steal somethin' of yours?" The man's deep voice sounded. 

"The opposite. We need her to steal something for us." Rhysand replied, wanting desperately to hurry this along and get his mate out of this cursed city. 

"Oh, you gotta job for the boss? Alright, head to the back table and find Marco. He'll see if he can get you an audience with Loki."

The towering man stepped aside, allowing the three high faes through. 

"See if we can get an audience? Who is this female?" Mor mumbled to herself as they walked through the door and into the familiar betting den.

They did as instructed heading straight for Marco. 

"Marco, right?" Rhys asked catching the man's attention. 

"Who's asking?" Marco replied shooting Rhys a colder glare than a week prior. 

"Listen we just want to see Loki Brekker. We have a job, an important one." Feyre said stepping up next to her mate. 

Marco looked them up and down.

"We gotta shit ton of cash." His attention immediately shot to Mor at her words. A sinister smirk took over his features that nearly shot a shiver down their spines.

"Alright, skivs... I'll go ask Loki if she'll see ya." 

With that Marco disappeared up the stairs to go find Loki.

"Seriously, who is this female?" Mor whispered to Rhys.

"They called her the queen of thieves, but they act like she's some actual queen," Feyre replied and nodded with mor.

Before Rhys could respond, Marco came back down the stairs.

 "She'll see ya. Come on I'll take you to her."

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