Chapter 18

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Cassian was roaring with boisterous laughter as Inej helped a disgruntled Azriel off the ground. Nyx turned to his cousin Finch, he knew he was worried when his mate was sent to fight Azriel. 

Finch's eyes were huge, his jaw dropped, and he hadn't moved a muscle since Inej had first gotten Az on the ground. "Dude... You have to chill out. I can smell your arousal from here." Nyx jested with a bit of sincerity. 

Nyx moved his body slightly closer to Finch, just in case he had to stop his cousin from jumping the poor girl in front of their families. 

"I believe that is one point, team crows." The intoxicating voice of Loki filled the air as she turned to Nyx's father with a cocky grin, "Who's next?"

"AZRIEL! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?" Rhys called out in annoyance, his competitive nature on full display. 

"You try fighting her then," Azriel growled back, a look very reminiscent of a pout adorning his features.

"Mor, you're up," Rhy called out. 

"Nina," Loki said, the calm smugness still in her tone. 

Nina walked up to Loki's side. "Give them a taste of what you can do. No mourners." "No funerals."

They both entered the ring. 

"After this what do you say you and me do a different kind of cardio?" Nina flirted with Mor. What took the night court by surprise though, was the bright blush staining Mor's cheeks. 

"I wouldn't take it too personally Morrigan. Nina just likes to flirt with everything. I saw her make eyes at a pair of shoes she fancied in a shop window." Jesper called out laughing as Nina stuck her tongue out at him.

Everyone laughed at their banter and Nyx couldn't help but picture a future. 

A future where he was High Lord, Loki was High Lady. A future where Finch and the crows made up their own court of Dreams. Different from the original and yet so similar. Family without shared blood. Unending trust and nonstop teasing every day. 

It was a beautiful picture, that he would give his life to make a reality. 

He pulled his mind back to the present as he watched Mor and Nina circle each other. 

"Let's begin with a little biology lesson. We can get to anatomy later." Nina sent Mor a flirty wink before her eyes began to glow gold and suddenly Mor fumbled. 

Mor's body began to relax, she looked exhausted and she hadn't even swung yet. "Oh don't look so worried, pretty girl. I only increased the levels of Melatonin in your brain. That's lesson one! Melatonin is a hormone that tells your brain to prepare to sleep, often making one sluggish and tired." Nina crooned as she swung her fist right at Mor's face. 

Mor blocked, but it was sluggish as she fought to keep her eyes open. "Lesson two, in schizophrenia and drugs like LSD, the dopamine levels are increased as well...causing hallucinations." 

Mor looked around. Nyx didn't know what his Aunt Mor was seeing but she was dodging invisible things, exhausting herself even more. 

"Final lesson, now that you are good and worn out. Do you why some people faint during panic attacks? Your adrenaline is spiked during your fight or flight response and then it suddenly drops to nothing. Your brain and body shutting down with it." 

They then watched as Mor was wide awake, breathing quick, uneven breathes. She was shaking and sweat dripped from her forehead. They watched as Mor's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell limp into Nina's awaiting arms. 

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