Chapter 41

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Wide-eyed laughter bounced off the walls of the House of Winds after Mor allowed Rhys to show everyone what happened in the Court of Nightmares.

A mixture of amusement and utter disbelief plagued the inner circle as they watch Mor's memories of Loki making Keir her bitch. 

"He's a pathetic roach. But his self-preservation outweighs all else, so he is a perfect pon." Loki said casually as she mixed cream in with her morning tea. 

The others returned quicker than expected and were surprised to find that Nyx and Loki had beaten them back by two whole days. 

Negotiations between under the mountain and Velaris were always tense and long-winded, so you can imagine their disbelief when Mor informed them that the meeting took all of ten minutes and there was no negotiation. 

Finch and Cassian couldn't calm down as they rolled on the floor with laughter. 

Amren looked at them impressed before holding up a glass of wine she decided was perfect for breakfast, "Separately you were a prince and a queen... Together you are gods. I look forward to seeing the world kneel for you both."

"Oh, what a nightmare they will be for Keir and the Illyrians... Do you think we should send them to Devlon just to see what happens?" Rhys asked, his violet eyes shining with amusement. 

"You think she could make him cry?" Cassian asked before falling back once again in a heap of giggles. 

"...Would you have?" Elain asked seriously. The laughter died down as they looked to Elain at her uncharacteristically stern tone.

"Would I have what?" Loki asked carefully.

"Would you have killed him if she denied you?" The tension in the room was high and the laughter completely faded. 

"No... I would have carved out his eyes first. Then I would have asked him again... Then I would have killed him." Loki said seriously before taking a sip of her tea. 

"You would have killed as punishment for disobedience?!" Elain spat, horrified more than angry. 

"You forget who I am, Seer... Just because I care for my mate does not change the fact that I am a monster. I have killed for far less than disobedience. Mutilating a difficult male would mean absolutely nothing to me." Loki's voice was cold again. Just as it was under the mountain. 

The reason Loki's mask was so believable in the court of Nightmares, they realized, is because it wasn't a mask at all. 

Loki was born a Demi-god of death, she was made into a monster of Hybern, but she herself accepted her darkness and thrived in her wicked ways. 

They had to remember, that Loki Brekker was not their friend. 

Even her crows did not consider Loki a friend. She was a boss, an ally, a mate, but never a friend. 

They had to remember that the only reason any of the Crows were still here was for Nyx Archeron. If it hadn't been for Nyx being Loki's mate, they wouldn't have learned about the grail, they wouldn't know about Xesha's attack, they would die and Loki would have watched Prythian burn from the safety of Ketterdam. 

It was easy to forget. 

From the small warm smile, she always sent to Nyx, to the lingering touches, to seeing her put an absurd amount of cream in her tea. Seeing her so docile humanized her, and made her appear like one of them. 

But she was not one of them. She cared for her own above all else, willing to remorselessly slaughter anyone who got in her way. 

Loki Brekker was not like anyone or anything anyone had ever encountered.

She was a Villian and she knew it. 

They could joke or tease about how she sent Keir to his knees and told him to know his place. But they had forgotten their place on the food chain as well. 

They could laugh about her quick wit. But her intelligence was just as terrifying a weapon. 

She was ruthless and powerful and held little care for anyone else. 

Nyx seemed to be the only thing that made Loki less terrifying. They had forgotten what it was like to be on the receiving end of the real Loki Brekker. 

They forgot what it felt like to have those cold steel eyes slice straight into you. They had forgotten what business with Loki was like. 

Sure she was willing to die to protect Nyx, but she would just as easily slaughter the entirety of Prythian if Xesha offered her a tempting enough sum. 

Silence filled the room as all but Nyx sat in this realization. 

Nyx continued to just stare at Loki like she had hand-placed every star in the sky. The mating bond may have dulled slightly, but it was still far more intense than the usual bond. 

"Nyx... Would you?" Elain asked. 

Nyx turned, finally taking his eyes off Loki. There was a coldness in his blue eyes that made them look like ice, something that had always been there and yet had never been pointed out until now. 

Mates were made for each other, they were either equal or polar opposite. 

For Loki, her mate would have to be either the kindest most harmless soul in the world... or just as ruthless as her. 

Nyx had lived under the umbrella of his parents his entire life. Going with Loki to the Court of Nightmares was the first time he had been able to do something on his own for the Night Court. 

His merciful nature had never exactly been tested from the safety of Velaris. 

But then memories started to emerge within Rhys and Feyre. Memories of receiving a letter from the Illyrian camps concerned about Nyx's volatile fighting style that nearly got another boy killed. 

Memories of Nyx fearlessly threatening other High Lords when they said something he didn't approve of. 

Things they had written off as a nasty temper like his Aunt Nesta's became far more concerning.

Then yet another realization hit them...

Nyx hadn't been wearing a mask either. 

They both walked into the Court of Nightmares and showed the truest and darkest parts of themselves and it worked far better than Rhys and Feyre... because it was very real. 

"Of course, I would have killed him... Though your idea sounds far more entertaining Loki darling." Nyx answered casually, pulling Loki's gloved hand into his lap and intertwining their fingers. 

"A nightmare they will be for Keir and the Illyrians, indeed... But a nightmare for everyone else as well... My declaration still stands. I look forward to seeing the world kneel before you, whether that be from respect or fear is yet to be seen." Amren broke the silence, finishing off her glass.

Inej stiffened, the shadows around her going into high alert as they whispered their secrets. 

"...Boss... Xesha just mobilized their troops. It will take a while for them to winnow everyone and regroup... We have an hour at most." Inej announced in real-time as the Shadows continued to give their report. 

Loki nodded standing to her feet, pulling Nyx with her.

"Well... let the bloodshed begin."

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