Chapter 12

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Months had passed and Katsuki was commuting from work  to school and school to work. Even though he was Hitoshi's secretary he still had to do stuff for Izuku and he hated it, since Izuku would bring his loud ass friends over. Kaminari and Kirishima, who were in fact a couple. They were the nice type of couples, the ones that loves each other, it remind him of his parents.

Katsuki would also drop random males from that came out of Izuku's room and he would just follow the orders as to not tick off his boss nerves.

Right now Katsuki was by the swimming pool when Hitoshi came to him.

"My birthday is coming up and I asked dad if we can go to a bar and he agreed." Hitoshi said

"Who all is going to this party?" Katsuki said as he played with the water with his feet.

"I want your brother to be there specifically or else I will be cancelling the entire party." Hitoshi said

"My brother's off limits." Katsuki said

"He needs to come, he is so cute that sometimes I even dream off him, since the day I've seen him." Hitoshi said

"Well you are not dating him on my watch." Katsuki replied

"Oh c'mon Katsuki, I will give you the dowry if we get married." Hitoshi said

"It's up to Monoma at the end of the day, don't go and get yourself into an arranged marriage with him by asking your dad. Monoma like people who treats him well, he also likes people who is hard-working and a family man. If you want to pursue my brother just give him all the ounce of love in you." Katsuki said

"Well the party is going to be at some bar, I haven't decided it yet."  Hitoshi replied

"Well we can have it at the bar my friends work." Katsuki suggested

"Then we will have it there then, so all we need to do is decorate it." Hitoshi said

"Yeah." Katsuki said and hang his head down low

"Is everything okay?" Hitoshi asked worriedly

"Nope, just stressed out for my test tomorrow." Katsuki answered

"Haven't you study?" Hitoshi asked

"I can't, I'm at school and barely have time and then I come here and work for you which I don't mind, but Izuku just keeps bothering me when he has Shoto." Katsuki sighed

"You know Katsuki, I want to tell you not to worry about it, but that will just sound dumb. I just want to say to overcome everything that comes your way, you have been doing it before then continue to do. You know what I love about you?" Hitoshi said

"What?" Katsuki asked

"People here came to work here to protect us yes, but they also came for the money. You reject the offer because you want to keep the people close to you safe, so you didn't care about a penny until we explained to you why you should work here. You have this good aura around you and I hope in the long run that you behave the same." Hitoshi said

Katsuki smiled

"You know that's the smartest thing that came out of your mouth ever since I came here." Katsuki said

Hitoshi pushed him in the pool, Katsuki swam back up.

"I take that back." Katsuki said as he began to splash water towards Hitoshi

The swimming gym erupted with laughter. Haishi stood at the door smiling to himself as he watch the scene unfolds its self. Katsuki came out the pool and wrapped the towel around him.

"Aww! You look like a cute wet Pomeranian dog." Hitoshi said

"Oh shut up." Katsuki said as he dried himself.

"But it's true." Hitoshi said and this made Katsuki chased him.

Everyone stopped to see the scene unfolds, Hitoshi laughed loudly and Katsuki smiling.

"Hitoshi get back here!" Katsuki yelled as he ran colliding into someone

He had raise his head to see who it was and it was someone with blue hair and behind him was another person, but with black hair.

"I'm sorry, Hitoshi look what you made me do!" Katsuki yelled towards Hitoshi

Hitoshi came and wrapped his arm around Katsuki shoulder, who pinched him in the side. Hitoshi hissed and rubbed the pain away.

"I'm sorry big bro." Hitoshi said towards the blue haired male

"B..big bro?" Katsuki stammered

"Yeah this is me and Izuku's older brother Tenko and behind him is his boyfriend Touya, Shoto's older brother." Hitoshi explained

"Oh my god, what sin did I commit in my past life to run up into a yakuza's son." Katsuki said shocked

"I don't know, but I can tell you, you look very handsome so you probably saved a country while committing the sin." Hitoshi said

Haishi came from around the corner and went to greet his older son.

"Well me and Katsuki are going to plan my birthday party at  the bar where his friends work." Hitoshi said to his dad.

"Can I also tag along?" Touya asked

"Of course sister in law." Hitoshi answered and the three of them went their merry way.

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