Chapter 31

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Katsuki eyes opened only to close back because of the light.

He looked to the side of his bed to see his brother sleeping while holding his hands.

“Neito.” He muttered

Monoma’s head shot up and he helped his brother to sit up.

“Are you okay?” Monoma asked

“I’m fine, but my throat feels dry.” Katsuki answered making Monoma grabbed the glass of water from the stand

Katsuki gulped down the water and gave the glass back to Monoma.

“How long was I asleep?” Katsuki asked

“You were asleep for almost three days.” Monoma answered

“Did you know how our parents died?” Katsuki asked

Monoma nodded his head hesitantly.

“And you didn’t leave Hitoshi?” Katsuki asked

“Why would I leave him? It’s not like he did it or his dad or his brother. So, are you thinking of leaving Izuku?” Monoma answered

“No, I’m not leaving him, but you knew all this while and didn’t tell me.” Katsuki said

“When I found out I was shock too, but when you are in love with someone, you are ready to face the good and bad with them.” Monoma replied

“Is Izuku awake?” Katsuki asked

“Yeah he is, he actually woke up before you, but was order to not leave his room.” Monoma answered

“Then let me go and meet him.” Katsuki said

Monoma went and help Katsuki off the bed as the two of them walked down the hall.

“Ahhh, I see that you’re awake sleeping beauty.” Hitoshi said as he came beside Monoma

“Yes, I’m awake now leave me be.” Katsuki replied

“You are still grumpy.” Hitoshi said as they arrived to Izuku’s hospital door.

Katsuki walked in to see Izuku around the table doing paper work.

“Even when you almost died, you are still doing paper work.” Katsuki said making Izuku whip his head around him

Katsuki went and sit beside Izuku leaning onto his shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” Katsuki asked

“My abdomen still hurts.” Izuku answered making Katsuki nod

“Don’t you hate me?” Izuku asked

“Why would I hate you? Did you kill my parents or was it your aunt?” Katsuki answered

“I mean with all that has happened between us, you should hate me first it was Haru, then Hirito and now our family involvement with your parents’ death.” Izuku said

“If I hated you, I wouldn’t be here right now talking to you and I’m sorry you felt that way, that I will hate you for every little thing. I said I love you and next time, though there won’t be a next time, please pick your boy escort correctly. We almost died because of Hirito’s crazy sister.” Katsuki stated

Izuku laughed before placing a kiss on Katsuki’s lips

“I want to hear you say you love me again.” Izuku said

“I said it to you already, why do you want to hear it again?” Katsuki asked

“Because you said when I was dying, now let me hear it.” Izuku answered

“I love you Izuku.” Katsuki said

“I love you too, darling.” Izuku replied as he placed a kiss on Katsuki’s lips.

They heard a cough behind them and turned to see that it was Haishi. Katsuki removed himself from beside Izuku and bowed to Haishi.

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