Chapter 13

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Katsuki was making arrangement with the boss pertaining Hitoshi's birthday. The bodyguards dropped off the decoration and Katsuki was there trying to study while Touya and Hitoshi chatted. Katsuki felt relieved around them and they both understand he need to work. The bells jingled indicating that someone had walked in, Katsuki diverted his attention towards them and saw that it was Tenko and Izuku.

He turned his head back to his notes and began writing down pointer, more people came in and it was Mirio, Mina and Monoma.

"Monoma, what are you doing here?" Katsuki asked

"Well the boss informed Mina and Mirio that you were here and they're gonna start their shifts soon and you being the protective brother asked them to protect me, so I'm always here." Monoma explained

"Okay, come here." Katsuki said and his brother took the seat beside him.

"How's school?" Katsuki asked

"It's fine." Monoma answered

Someone placed their hands on Katsuki shoulder and he looked back to see Hitoshi. Katsuki offered his seat to Hitoshi, who immediately picked up a conversation with Monoma. Katsuki smiled at the two.

"Aww! look at you being a dad, who just let his daughter go." Mina said

"Oh shush!" Katsuki yelled to her

"Katsuki it's true." Mirio snickered

"I have a question. Have you ever tasted feet before?" Katsuki asked Mirio who was behind the bar

"No." Mirio answered

Katsuki got up and went behind the bar.

"Then come and taste it." He said raising his feet to Mirio's face

Mirio slapped Katsuki's feet out of his face.

"Don't you have to study?" Mirio asked

"Yeah I do, but my mental health is refraining me from doing so." Katsuki answered

Katsuki walked back to his chair and went back to work.

"Kat here." Mina said giving him a bottle of water

He began drinking it.

"So when are you gonna get a boyfriend?" Mina asked

Katsuki spat out his water, choking on it. Everyone watched as he coughed

"Mina if you wanted me dead just say that?" Katsuki said wiping the table with the cloth he received from Mirio.

"I mean you dated girl, but you dropped and picked them up like you were a taxi, so maybe having a boyfriend will change everything." Mina continued

"I'm not ready for a relationship yet." Katsuki said as he went back to write

"Look what you did." Katsuki said holding up the book that was covered in water.

"Katsuki all you need to do is believe that you are going to pass and then you will be okay." Mina said

Katsuki threw the book into the garbage.

"That was so gross." Katsuki said

"It came from out of you and it's your book." Mina said

"You think I want a book that is slobbered with water and my spit hell no." Katsuki said

"Well that's on you, overreacting over a question." Mina said

"Shut up Mina." Katsuki said as his head turned to see Monoma give Hitoshi his number

Hitoshi came hugging Katsuki.

"Katsuki, your brother gave me his number, it only takes one more step then we will be married." Hitoshi said

"Congratulation I guess." Katsuki replied

"So your names Katsuki right?" Tenko asked gaining Katsuki's attention

Yep, Katsuki Bakugo." Katsuki answered

Tenko turned to Izuku, who just shook his head.

"Is there anything wrong?" Katsuki asked

"No, it's nothing." Tenko answered

"How long have you been working here?" Tenko asked

"Couple of months." Katsuki answered as his phone rung

He apologise and proceed to answer the phone.


"Katsuki I miss you, I barely get to see at school. Are you avoiding me?" The guy asked

"Look dude, I rejected your proposal. I don't like you and I'm not avoiding you, I ain't no pussy." Katsuki answered

"Then can you come and see me." The guy moaned into Katsuki's ears

Katsuki's cheeked flushed red.

"You son of a bitch, don't you know what no mean. You illiterate asshole!" Katsuki yelled into the phone before hanging up

"Is it Asahi again?" Mina asked

"The one and only." Katsuki answered

"You're so cute when you are flustered." Hitoshi said pinching Katsuki's cheek

"Asahi must have said or did something to make you fluster like that." Mina continued

"He did nothing, I'm going to beat that asshole up until he doesn't recognize his own face." Katsuki said clenching his own fist.

"Anyway let's go back home, I'm tired." Hitoshi said

Katsuki got up collecting his stuff and went and gave his brother a hug before leaving.

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