Chapter 26

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Mina opened the door for Katsuki as he walked in.

He placed his stuff in the corner of the house and went to take a seat in the sofa.

“Mina, can I stay here for some days?” Katsuki asked

“You are always welcome here. Now tell me what’s wrong.” Mina answered

“I found out about Izuku’s ex in the worse way possible, I think he is still in love with him because he has a entire file on his phone with pictures dedicated of them both. Haru is his name and I felt stupid because Shoto warned me about him and how broken I will feel. He brought over his best boy, Hirito, over and only they know what they’re doing in that room. I mean nothing to Izuku.” Katsuki said as he laid in the sofa

“I mean you had a glint of happiness when you talked about him, but Kat why did you run away?” Mina asked

“All my life the only thing I know how to do is run away, from all my problems. There was this one time when I went to the bridge to kill myself, but how can I do that to Neito. He would have to deal with all the things I did, so I worked, I worked for us and then drink my sorrows away. Neito is the reason why I’m not dead yet.” Katsuki answered

“Kat we are sorry you have to go through all these pains first it was your parents and now it’s Izuku.” Mina said

Katsuki began to cry.

“It hurts Mina, my heart hurts. Is this heartbreak?” Katsuki asked making Mina nod

“You know don’t worry about Izuku focus on yourself and be happy.” Mina said

Katsuki was taken to the guest room in Mina’s condo and he slept.

In the morning Katsuki did some digging and found Haru profile picture and he texted Haru asking if they could meet which Haru.  He knew it will kill him to meet with the person he loves ex, but it will be better for him to at least get over Izuku.

He saw miss call from Izuku, Hitoshi and his brother. He got ready and went to the café. He ordered coffee and sipped in when he saw Haru coming in.

“You asked me to come here to talk about Izuku?” Haru asked

Haru was so beautiful in person, how can Katsuki not jealous him?

“Yeah, I was wondering if you can go see him.” Katsuki said as he sipped the coffee

“Why?” Haru asked

“Because he’s still not over you.” Katsuki answered

“Look I understand you are doing this for Izuku’s sake, but the break up between us was bad enough.” Haru said

“Just go to his house because I want to see how he will react when he sees you.” Katsuki replied

“Okay I’ll do it, but that doesn’t mean we will get back together.” Haru said making Katsuki nod

“I’ll go back there around 3p.m so you can go there before me. I just need to get dress in my work clothes and act like you don’t know me.” Katsuki said as he left.

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