Chapter 8

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As they drove into Vegas, all (Y/n) could think of was that one night. That one night they couldn't remember. It was bad enough they did it again in Bangkok, but having to come back here to Vegas where it all started had her mind rolling and left her in a wake of nerves and anxiety as they looked at the colorful displays around them. (Y/n) looked out Phil's window, seeing some of the familiar places she had been before, knowing she'd never go back into them.

As Phil kept his eyes ahead of him, Stu looked out the passenger's window, reliving the past. "Someone needs to burn this place to the ground," he said, his voice shaking slightly. Looking away from the sights, he turned to the others as he continued, " I told myself I would never come back."

Phil took his eyes off the stop light for a moment, glancing at the signs around them before speaking to Stu. "Well, don't worry. It all ends tonight."

(Y/n) inhaled sharply as the car started moving again, taking a glance over at Phil as she played with her engagement ring, twisting it on her finger. Stu had Alan's phone in his hand as he looked at the rout to find Phil and (Y/n)'s van. Looking ahead, she strained her eyes to find the familiar car as Stu said, "It says 200 yards up on the right."

Looking ahead, Phil caught sight of their 'treasure', saying, "And there it is. Amazing." Pulling up right behind it, Phil parked the limo and they all got out of the car, heading over to the van. "Looks like he ditched it."

Phil put his hand against the window to look inside, and Stu on the other side, tried the handle, only for the door to pull his way. "It's open!" he informed.

"No shit," Phil stated in amazement as he opened the driver's seat door, (Y/n) opening the back. "Well, look around. Let's see if he left anything in here."

After a few moments of searching, Alan and (Y/n) working through the back, Stu spoke up saying, "I found the Demerol."

"Stow it away. We might need it to subdue Chow," (Y/n) said as she looked through the last bit of the backseat. "Shit, nothing's back here."

"Ah, I got my phone," Phil exclaimed, but sighed when he took another look around him. "No fucking keys, though. Alan, anything?"

"No, not even the gold," Alan moaned in annoyance, sitting back in his seat. (Y/n) bit her tongue at a snarky come back of how stupid it was to think that the gold would remain in the van, but she held it back, knowing it would mean nothing in the grand calculus.

Letting out a sigh, Phil leaned over to Stu and asked, "Why the fuck would Chow come down here?"

"I know, right?" Stu responded, shaking his head as he looked in the van from outside. "Why here?"

"I mean, Vegas, I suppose, is his kind of scene," (Y/n) spoke up, leaning forward to the boys to speak to them.

"You are right about that," Phil said, and his eyes glanced over to the pawn shop the van was parked next to. "'Cash for Gold'?" he read off of the sign that sit on top of the shop.

"It's worth a look," Stu said, and they all shared a glance before the remaining three crawled out of the car.

Shutting the doors, they headed inside the pawn shop, seeing a woman with purple died hair eating Chinese takeout while watching a wrestling match. She didn't look at them as they came in with the bell ringing until Phil spoke up and asked, "Excuse me. Have you happened to see the driver of that minivan out front? Short Asian guy?"

"Yeah, they're all short," the woman responded, barely giving him a glance.

While (Y/n) gave a tilt of her head at the rudeness of how she was ignoring them, Alan chuckled loudly as he looked at the pawned items. "That's so true," he laughed, and the woman took an extra look at him.

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