Chapter 11

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When (Y/n) and Phil got home, they were greeted with a very, very ecstatic puppy. Todd bounced up and down on his paws for days after their arrival home, which made it difficult for them to get some alone time to themselves. But, they really couldn't complain, considering they decided to make their wedding small, nothing like Stu or Doug's weddings. Just some close friends and family, but they decided that instead of spending thousands on one day, they could save that for the rest of their lives together.

Alan returned with Cassie a few weeks after they left him, and once they got to know her, she was not as bad as the scene in the pawn shop made her look. Sure, she did have the same humor and elements that Alan had that drove them crazy, but if they could deal with him successfully, why not Cassie?

Phil and (Y/n) ended up bringing Alan to their bachelor/bachelorette party, which they decided to have on a beach while watching eat drink and piece of food carefully, sparing no expense to make sure they remembered the night. It was just the classic five of them, partying until they couldn't any longer. Waking up hungover, but being able to remember, never felt so good to them.

One morning, about a week before their wedding, (Y/n) and Phil woke up together on a weekend where everyone else was already busy with their own plans. Yawning as she got up from his arms, she smiled down at him as he groaned at the sunlight. She thought he might have been just a little bit hungover from the night they had, still. Taking her pillow, she pushed it on his face, startling him up and causing Todd to jump from the bed, barking as he ran into the living room.

"Jesus!" he exclaimed, sitting up and looking over at her grinning face. He sported his own smirk as he said darkly, "Oh, you're gonna pay for that."

"How- OH!" (Y/n) started to speak, but Phil had her flipped on her back as he tickled her, and she laughed hysterically as he sought his revenge. "Phil, please!"

"That's exactly what you were saying last night," he whispered in her ear, stopping for a moment as she caught her breath, only for it to be taken right from her when he did.

"You're a dirty, dirty man," she scolded with squinted eyes, although she had playfulness in her voice as she looked up at him.

"Just for you," he said, and kissed her lips slowly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Before anything could get started, a phone call rang through the air. "Fuck," Phil muttered, pulling away from her as she pushed him off of her to get her phone.

Wrapping a robe around herself, she picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello?" she said.

"(Y/n)?-" she heard that familiar voice, and immediately shut the phone off and placed it back on the dresser, the light atmosphere leaving the room as soon as she did.

"Hey, (Y/n), who was it?" Phil asked, worry etched in his tone. When she didn't answer, Phil got up from the bed and pulled on a pair of boxers, walking over behind her to look at the phone. She didn't turn around when she felt his hands on her arms. "It was her, wasn't it?"

"I should've been more careful," (Y/n) said in a quick sentence, whirling around and out of his grip. "God, she got my fucking phone number again!!"

As soon as they returned to L.A. from their 'adventure' with Chow, they had gotten (Y/n) a new phone with a new number. It was difficult getting all her contacts back on her phone, but she managed to, and was content for a few months without her mother badgering her phone with calls and texts every week.

"Hey, hey, if we need to get something like-like a restraining order, hell I'll work it out," Phil said, coming up to her and standing her in her spot, keeping her there as he spoke to her. "I know you just want her gone."

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