Chapter 4

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Phil drove until they found a near pharmacy, parking far away and looking back behind his seat as Stu, who was writing out a prescription on his prescription pad. "All right, make sure to get enough to have to knock him out, plus a little more. We don't want him getting away."

Stu croaked a little bit and cleared his throat, and (Y/n) could already see him start to sweat from under his armpits. Stu was never someone to lie like this and break the law. Looking at him, she said, "Hey, Stu, you can do this, all right? You've got to."

"Yeah, yeah, I can do this. I can do this," Stu kept repeating to himself, and he did three short breaths before opening the sliding door of the van and jumping out, leaving Alan, Phil, and (Y/n) alone.

Looking to (Y/n), he looked at the scratch on her forehead and asked, "How you doing?"

She gritted her teeth a little bit and said, "It hurts, but it's getting better. I just want to focus on getting Doug back to his family."

"Hey, we're gonna do it," Phil spoke, and (Y/n) looked at his with a raised eyebrow. "If we can get sober Stu to illegally purchase drugs, we can get Doug back."

(Y/n) let out a chuckle at his statement, shaking her head a little bit. She closed her eyes and sighed, opening them to look back out the window for Stu. A few more minutes had passed, and Phil had his head against the steering wheel, waiting for the dentist to return. "What's taking him so long?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Maybe there's a long line? I don't fuckin' know, but he better be getting those drugs," Phil claimed, looking out her window.

"Can we keep the drugs when we're done with them?" Alan asked from the back seat, making (Y/n) and Phil look at him oddly. "I mean, if we have any left over, which I assume we will given the amount you made Stu get. Can we keep it?"

(Y/n) scoffed and said, "No, Alan. We are not keeping the illegally bought drugs that we are gonna use to knock out an international fugitive."

"Well... one hit wouldn't hurt, would it?" Phil whispered to her so that Alan wouldn't hear his words, and (Y/n) gave him a warning stare.

"Philip Wenneck," she spoke, and Phil knew she meant no. He gave her a look that said, 'come on', and she shook her head no once more. Under any different circumstances, she would have laughed at him. Like the countless times he had tried to steal Stu's prescription pad from under his nose.

"Yeah, all right," he muttered, and looked back out the window. "Jesus Christ, he's taking forever."

Phil looked back ahead at the road in front of him, while (Y/n) kept her eye on the pharmacy doors. Finally, she saw Stu come out of the doors, sweatier than ever and looking more nervous and fidgety than before. "My, God, he looks like shit," she spoke, getting Phil's attention as Stu climbed in the back seat with Alan.

"How'd we do?" Phil asked as Stu settled in.

"We did good. I got Demerol, a pack of syringes, and almost lost my dental license," Stu listed before tossing the bag of drugs on the floor. "What about Chow? Anything?"

"No," (Y/n) sighed.

"Oh, look at this. He e-mailed me like 20 minutes ago," Alan said all of a sudden, and (Y/n) turned back to him in irritation, as did Phil.

"Alan, we've been sit- give me the phone, please," Phil decided not to even argue and just turned around to snatch the device from his hands, looking at the e-mail.

"What does it say?" Stu asked.

"Oh, wow," Phil stated, looking at the phone. "He wants to meet Alan tonight at 8. It says come alone."

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