~Stand Down~

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Taehyun and Yeonjun made the meeting with IVE and set it to be in about an 1 hour
The time was currently 10 am
Namjoon was dressed and ready
"You sure you don't want us to go?" Hoseok asked
"I'll be fine." Namjoon said as he fixed his tie
"Why won't you let Jungkook go with you?" Jin asked
"I said I'll be okay, it's just to talk business. Look." Namjoon grabbed a gun and turned around to show them he was shoving the gun in the back of his pants
He pulled his shirt over
"I'll be fine. It's also 6 girls and two of which know me so I'll be fine." Namjoon kept reassuring his group
It's been way too long since Namjoon has gone to do anything alone but a meeting with a already established ally
Usually one of his men is usually with him
But it really was gonna be fine for him
Besides it was gonna be at a temple, they were worrying too much.
TXT was already dressed and ready for later
Enhypen was getting ready specifically Jungwon and Jay
Namjoon walked out the door and left
Jin sighed
"I really wish he would let at least one of us go with him.." Jin whined
"I mean.. he is just talking business.." Tae said trying to see from Namjoon's eyes
"When was the last time Namjoon went out alone..?" Yoongi asked
The 5 adults stopped to think
"Holy shit I can't remember." Hoseok said in shock
"Me neither." Jungkook said
Beomgyu and Yeonjun were filling the car with the things they were willing to trade
Niki came downstairs
"Appa leave already?" He asked
They all nodded
"Cool, hope he makes it back safely." Niki said and walked off
The adults watched the child walk off
"I wish we were just as calm as him about Namjoon's safety." Jin said
"He's Seouls number one target at all times.. there isn't anything we can do but worry.." Hoseok said and shrugged

{45 Minutes Later}

Namjoon arrived at the Temple
He sighed because of the stairs he had to climbed but he sucked it up and got to stepping

{With TXT}

Yeonjun and Beomgyu were getting ready to leave
Kai closed the trunk of the car
"All set!" He smiled proudly
Yeonjun chuckled
"Thank you Kai."
"Revenge is rejuvenating, I feel fresh, I feel free, I feel like doing a back flip!" Kai was acting like he was on a sugar high
Kai then ran off
"He's been in that peppy mood since 8!" Taehyun said and sighed
Heeseung came trotting downstairs
"Ah! Heeseung!" Beomgyu called out
He walked up to his friends
"Yes?" He asked
"Why is Kai acting like he sniffed a pound of crack?" Soobin asked
"Mm, I told him to stop being sad and he told me to give him a reason so I said a good reason is that I want to sleep with him." Heeseung spoke honestly
"Woah!" The four said in shock
"You asked!!" Heeseung responded
"That got him that hyper?" Yeonjun asked
"He's been begging for weeks." Heeseung said
"It's not like I don't want to, just nervous." Heeseung shivered
"At least your first time won't be a damn punishment." Taehyun glared at Beomgyu
He just smiled
Heeseung nervously laughed
"We gotta go, see you later." Beomgyu kissed Taehyun and walked for the door
Soobin kissed Yeonjun
"Be careful." Soobin told him
"Always!" Yeonjun smiled as he headed out with Beomgyu

{With Namjoon}

He finally made it to the top and saw a set of six girls paying their respects
Namjoon fixed his suit then walked next to one of the girls
He looked up at the temple
He just so happen to be standing next to the youngest member
She honestly didn't know who she was standing next to so she glanced at him
"Ooh I like your watch sir!" She commented
Namjoon looked at her and chuckled
"Thank you, I like your hair clips."
Her members heard her talking to a stranger no less a man so they all glanced over to see
Three members gasped out of fear because they've never met or encountered Namjoon
Two of them gasped from just shock
"E-Eunchae! Come here!" Yunjin pulled her close to her
Namjoon bowed to them
Namjoon looked around and saw they were the only ones there
Kazuha pulled out a switch blade and pointed it at Namjoon
Namjoon scoffed
He reached behind him and grabbed his gun
The girls gasped again
Namjoon pressed a button and the clip fell out into his hand
He held them in separate hands to show he's not there to hurt them
"Kazuha put away the knife." Chaewon told her
"But it's Kim Namjoon!" She told her leader
"Knife. Away. Now." Sakura said sternly
Kazuha listened and put it away
"Mr. Kim." Chaewon and Sakura bowed to him
Namjoon bowed back
"Hello ladies, lovely seeing you again." Namjoon was being respectful
"...again?" Garam asked
"Mr. Kim was allies with our old group. We've met before." Chaewon explained
Namjoon nodded
"I'm sorry! I didn't realize who you were!" Eunchae apologized
Namjoon chuckled
"Don't worry, you were kind. I'm not upset." Namjoon said sweetly
The girls eased up
They all looked at each other
"Aren't you... supposed to be this big scary mafia boss?" Garam asked
"Do you want me to be?" Namjoon asked as he was about to put the clip back into his gun
"NO NO NO NO NO!!!" The girls panicked
Namjoon chuckled
He put the clip in his pocket
"I'm scary when I need to be, this is not one of those times." Namjoon said
"Sir, did you know we were gonna be here?" Yunjin asked
Namjoon nodded
"Is there something you wanted to discuss?" Sakura asked
"Yes actually, I want to arrange a meeting. To talk about an alliance." Namjoon said
The girls were shocked
"Wait... really?" Chaewon asked
Namjoon nodded
"But we just formed not even a week ago.." Chaewon said still kinda baffled
"That doesn't matter to me. I would like to form an alliance with you. But I want to do it in a meeting." Namjoon said
"We would be grateful for that! When would you like to have the meeting, sir?" Chaewon asked
"Are you free in about an hour?" Namjoon asked
"Y-Yes!" She told him
"Great. I'll have one of my guys pick you up then." Namjoon said as he started to play with his wrist
"How will you know where we are?" Yunjin asked
"Don't worry about it~ see you ladies later." Namjoon took off his watch and placed it in Eunchae's hands before heading towards the stairs
The girls all looked at each other in shock and confusion

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