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"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!" Jungkook yelled as he kicked Xion off himself
Xion hit the railing
They were on a mission and ONEUS was their target
Namjoon had killed Leedo
He was breathing heavily
"Yoongi! Turn around!" Jin yelled as he was helping Tae
Yoongi turned around and saw a sniper being pointed at him
Hoseok jumped and tackled Yoongi to the ground
The gun fired and Hoseok was hit
"Ah!" He groaned
Yoongi didn't have time to react to Hobi he had to be quick
He grabbed Hoseok's gun and fired across the way where he was sitting
He heard the bullet hit metal which was the gun
He watched the sniper fling itself to the side
Yoongi fired again and watched Seoho fall backwards
Yoongi tossed the gun to the side and looked at Hoseok
"Where were you hit?!" He asked worriedly
"Just my arm don't worry" Hoseok said as he took off his sweater and ripped his shirt
Yoongi helped him tie it around his arm tightly to help stop the bleeding
Hwanwoong and Ravn had tag teamed Tae and Jin
Jin was sitting on top of Hwanwoong choking him out
Ravn and Tae were fist fighting
Jin put all his weight into his arms and finally felt Hwanwoong stop fighting back and quivering
Ravn hit Tae across the face and watched him fly backwards
Tae hit the floor
His hand landed on something
He grabbed it and saw it was yoongi's gun
He pointed it at Ravn and fired
He hit him in the throat
Tae sighed
They are on a roof top of a building so they don't have a lot of space to run
Jungkook looked around and saw their car
He ran to it and smashed in the front window
"What The Fuck?!" Xion yelled
Jungkook grabbed one of the shards
He ran at Xion and tackled him
"GET OFF!!" Xion yelled Jungkook ignored him and stabbed him repeatedly until he let go of him
Namjoon was against Keonhee
Namjoon lost his gun and looked around
He had one plan but he had to do it perfectly or it would be over for him
He was doing this all off luck
Keonhee started to charge at Namjoon
Namjoon started to take his tie off and held it a certain way
Namjoon charged at him and rammed his whole body into him with his shoulder
They both went over the ledge
"NAMJOON!!" The boys all yelled
"AHHHHH!!!" They heard yelling then a crash what sounded like landing on top of a car
the boys were too shocked to move
They were all confused but ran to the ledge
When Namjoon rammed himself into him over the ledge he looped his tie through one of the bars that was the railing for the rooftop
Hoseok and Jungkook pulled him over
Namjoon climbed over the railing and sighed
Jin hit his arm hard
"YOU COULDVE DIED!!" Jin yelled at him
"But I didn't! I knew what I was doing!!" Namjoon said
"That was so reckless of you!!" Yoongi yelled at him
"I'm fine!!" Namjoon said
"What if you didn't loop it in time?!" Tae yelled
"Guys im fine!! Im alive!! That's all that matters isn't it?!" He sighed
Jin grabbed Namjoon by his shirt and harshly pulled him into a kiss
He pulled away
"Don't do that shit ever again!! I just fucking married you!! I don't want to be a widow!!"
Namjoon chuckled
"Okay hun.. never again.." Namjoon said
Hoseok and Jungkook were looking over the ledge
"Damn... you timed that shit perfectly..." Hoseok commented
"He's dead dead.." Jungkook said as he looked at the crime scene at the bottom of the building
Namjoon looked around then at his watch
"Let's go. Now."
They all agreed then dipped

{At Jimin's}

They pulled up to Jimin's house
They walked up to the door and knocked
Jimin opened the door
"Really?! Today?! I'm kinda busy!!" He groaned
"With what? You don't have a life." Jungkook said
Jimin looked at him with a blank stare
"...I don't have to help you I hope you realize that." He said and folded his arms
"Im joking!!" Jungkook said
"What are you busy with?" Tae asked
"Um... a meeting." He said
"He has a date." Yoongi said
"Bro what the fuck, how did you do that?!" Jimin asked
"I read minds" Yoongi smirked
"I believe it." Jimin said and shrugged
"With who!!" Jin asked
"Can we fix my arm first?" Hoseok asked
"Fine! Ugh!" Jimin let them in
They looked into the living room and saw a very familiar face
"You are a actress!!" Taehyung said in awe
"You are Kim Namjoon!" She said nervously and stood up quickly and bowed
"No I'm not." Tae said and folded his arms
Jungkook laughed
Namjoon laughed
"Awe noona I'm gonna give him stitches and I'll be back, it will be quick I promise" Jimin said
"Y-Yeah! That's fine!" She said nervously
Jimin left with Hoseok to give him quick stitches
"I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just a really good friend of Jimin's." Namjoon said
"J-Jimin-ah said he worked with people that are in the mafia but I-I didn't think he meant
B-Bighit Mafia!" She said in a scared tone
"We aren't gonna hurt you, we are too tired" Yoongi said honestly
Namjoon nodded

They talked for awhile then Jimin and Hoseok finally came back out
"He'll live like always now can you leave?" Jimin asked
"You are so mean for no reason!" Tae started to fake cry
Jimin laughed a bit
"I'll talk to you guys later"
Namjoon chuckled
"Have fun~"
"Bye bye!" The girl waved goodbye
They finally left and went home

{At Home}

They walk in
"I Hate You!!" Kai yelled at Soobin and ran upstairs
"We stray further and further away from god day by day." Jay said as he walked past everyone
"ITS ON FIRE!! OH GOD ITS ON FIRE!!" Niki yelled
"Niki it's the stove.. that's what it's supposed to do.." Heeseung said
"You look ugly today." Yeonjun told Beomgyu
"You told me you like this shirt and I should buy it!!" He told him
"I lied" Yeonjun smirked then walked away
"I like your shirt... kinda" Sunoo told Beomgyu
"You aren't making me feel better!" Beomgyu told him
"Niki don't put it straight into the oil you'll set the house on fire!!" Jake yelled at him
"ARSON!!" Niki screamed happily
"NO!!" Jungwon and Heeseung yelled
Taehyun and Sunghoon were playing checkers then Sunghoon suddenly flipped the board
"I DONT WANNA PLAY ANYMORE!!" Sunghoon said and ran upstairs
"YES I CAN IF IT STOPS YOU FROM WINNING!!" He yelled from upstairs
Namjoon turned to his group
"I don't wanna be here. We walked into madness."
Jungkook laughed
"They are gonna set my house on fire!" Jin yelled as he ran to the kitchen
"Chaos is amongst us all" Hoseok said
"Can't we have one normal day?! Just one?!" Yoongi whined as he walked to the couch
"Normal is not in our vocabulary." Tae said and walked upstairs
{A/N: Finally!! Some action!! I hope this was decent for you!! I'm trying to come up with more plots for bare with me please :( I Love You All And Stay Safe 🫶}

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